If you’re thinking of buying a car, or you’re a new car owner, here’s one thing that you need to keep in mind: taking care of a car isn’t easy.Â
Maintaining a car means having to deal with constant upkeep and doing regular check-ups. Only then your vehicle will be able to last for a long time. However, as many of you may have guessed, a large section of car owners tend to ignore maintenance almost entirely. This leads to r problems that can be easily solved and prevented.Â
In this article, we’re telling you about some of the most common car problems that tend to arise due to lack of maintenance, and how you can solve them.Â
Properly maintaining your oil tank is an absolute must if you want your vehicle to last you a long time. One of the most common car problems that arise due to the lack of oil tank maintenance is the presence of metal shavings in the oil. These shavings arise due to friction in engine components, and this is caused by a lack of sufficient lubrication. Not only does this reduce the power of the car, and bring down its efficiency, it also increases the risk factor as there are higher chances of severe engine damage due to the increased friction. The best way to prevent metal shavings is to always monitor oil levels and make sure that they’re maintained. Also, take care to choose an appropriate oil that is compatible with your car.
- Leaky Radiators
Another common car problem that I’m sure you’ve heard about, if not experienced, are leaky radiators. The primary reason behind leaky radiators is corrosion. Radiators tend to collect sediments and rust over time and this tends to damage the radiator, leading to leakage. However, such a problem is further compounded by a lack of proper maintenance and poor servicing. Although sometimes a weak coolant can also be the reason. For an instant fix to a radiator leak, you can pour a leakage stopper, into the radiator, according to the instructions listed in the bottle. Such substances help plug radiator leaks and give you an easy fix to your problem. However, make sure that you take your car to a mechanic since leak stoppers may not always do the trick.Â
- High Levels of Emissions
Excessive car emissions are another typical problem that tends to arise in the case of older cars. This is extremely dangerous not only for your car and you but also for the environment as pollution levels are constantly on the rise. Excessive exhaust emissions and smoke can be due to many reasons including, but not limited to, faulty wires, defective ignition coils, poor O2 equipment, rich fuel mixtures, and more. Solving the problem of excessive emissions isn’t as easy, since there can be several reasons behind it. So the best option here is to take it to a trusted and well-trained mechanic/ auto shop as soon as possible.
- Transmission Fluid Leaks
Leakage of transmission fluid is an issue that both old as well new cars tend to face, and it can be attributed to wear-and-tear as well as product defects. Punctures caused by debris like loose rocks and such can lead to the leakage of transmission fluid. Broken transmission seals are another reason, and so are gasket fails that tend to arise due to poor manufacturing and alignment. In this case as well, since the reasons could be multiple, we suggest that you take your car to an auto shop as soon as possible. If you’re not experienced with car matters, we’d suggest that you don’t try to fix the leakage yourself since it may lead to further damage or worsen the problem.Â
- Overheating Cars
Although the problem of overheating is something that still tends to happen fairly often, the frequency has lowered significantly since cars are now much more sophisticated, with sensors and programs that prevent overheating. However, as we said, it still does happen and it continues to be a common problem, especially for smaller cars and older models. Just like the others, a car may get overheated due to numerous reasons including a lack of or too much coolant, radiator problems, transmission leakage, broken water pumps, and more. If you’ve noticed that your car is overheating, try to pull over as soon as possible. Then, open all the doors and windows, and turn on the heat of the car as it may help pull additional heat away from the car.Â
- Sputtering Starter Motor
A starter motor is one that helps kickstart your vehicle into motion when you put your key in the ignition. A sputtering starter motor that fails to ignite is a frequently faced problem, which tends to arise due to numerous problems such as a weak battery, clogged or poorly made sensors and spark plugs, ruined fuel pump, and more. There is also the possibility that there might be a problem in the ignition itself and not the rest of the car. When faced with this situation, check the parts on the secondary ignition system, and take a look at the fuel injectors and vacuum shoes.Â