Crash Bandicoot, the iconic orange marsupial with a knack for smashing crates and collecting Wumpa Fruit, has been a beloved gaming mascot for over two decades. After a successful reboot trilogy reignited the franchise in 2017, Toys for Bob’s original sequel, Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time, launched in October 2020. Now, according to a recent LinkedIn update from the game’s design director, Toby Schadt, Crash 4 has reportedly surpassed a significant milestone: over five million copies sold worldwide.
This news comes as a welcome sign for the longevity of the Crash Bandicoot franchise. It’s About Time wasn’t just a nostalgia trip; it introduced new mechanics, playable characters like Coco with her hacking abilities, and challenging alternate timelines that kept veterans on their toes. The game received generally positive reviews, with praise for its tight controls, level design, and faithfulness to the spirit of the classic Crash titles. However, some reviewers noted technical shortcomings in the Nintendo Switch port.
The five million sales figure is particularly impressive considering the fragmented release strategy. Crash 4 initially launched on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in October 2020. It wasn’t until March 2021 that the game arrived on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, and PC. This multi-platform rollout, while expanding the potential audience, also meant a potentially divided player base across various generations of hardware.
So, what factors contributed to Crash 4’s success?
Here are a few key elements:
- Nostalgia with a Fresh Twist: The game evoked a powerful sense of nostalgia for fans who grew up with the original Crash trilogy. Familiar levels were cleverly reimagined, and the core gameplay loop of jumping, spinning, and collecting remained satisfyingly intact. However, introducing new mechanics like the aforementioned alternate timelines and playable characters like Neo Cortex kept the experience fresh and engaging.
- Difficulty that Rewards Skill: Crash Bandicoot has always been known for its demanding platforming challenges. It’s About Time didn’t shy away from this legacy, offering a steep difficulty curve that pushed players to master the game’s mechanics. This focus on rewarding skilled play resonated with fans who craved a true challenge.
- A Beloved Franchise: Crash Bandicoot holds a special place in the hearts of many gamers. The character’s quirky charm, wacky humor, and accessible platforming gameplay have made him a pop culture icon. This pre-existing fanbase undoubtedly contributed to the game’s sales figures.
Fueling Future Adventures in Bandicoot Universe
Looking ahead, the five million sales milestone for Crash 4 bodes well for the future of the franchise. It demonstrates that there’s still a strong demand for new Crash Bandicoot experiences, especially when they deliver a healthy dose of nostalgia alongside innovative gameplay elements. Toys for Bob may or may not be working on Crash Bandicoot 5, but the sales success of the game has paved the way for further exploration of this quirky and charming universe.
It’s also worth noting that Crash 4’s sales numbers, while impressive, haven’t quite reached the heights of the Spyro Reignited Trilogy, which reportedly sold over 10 million copies according to Schadt’s LinkedIn profile. This comparison highlights the challenge of building upon a nostalgic reboot. While the Spyro Reignited Trilogy offered a faithful recreation of beloved classics, Crash 4 took more creative liberties, potentially alienating some fans who craved a more traditional experience.
However, the five million sales mark signifies a clear commercial victory for Crash 4. It’s a testament to the enduring appeal of Crash Bandicoot and the talented developers at Toys for Bob who successfully recaptured the spirit of the franchise while introducing new ideas. With Crash spinning into his next adventure, one thing’s for sure: It’s a great time to be a Crash Bandicoot fan.