Droom, which is an online automobile marketplace, revealed that it had invested INR 50 crore towards setting up an AI lab. The company would even leverage some of the emerging technologies like the Big Data, Machine Learning, and AAI to improve the solutions it provides on its own marketplace.
The CEO of Droom, Sandeep Agarwal, revealed that some of the areas the lab would work on including improving the recommended engine system for the better alerting and references customers when the car needs much more maintenance.
“We are also working at improving our intelligent image processing system which would give all the information needed on the car, like the make and model, and also the likely price you should get or pay for it,” he said.
The company has also been working heavily using the technology in areas like customer support, where a large part of the interactions is done by the chatbots as well as to create tools like the Orange Book Value which even gives the estimated value of a second value car.
“With the ease in management of large data within a less time that AI and data analytics bring about, we at Droom are leveraging these to create new products and revamp the existing ones, thereby catering to our customer-base better,” said Aggarwal.
Source: Droom