Cliff, one of the formidable Team Go Rocket Leaders in Pokemon GO, can be a challenging opponent to defeat. If you’re looking for strategies to take him down and secure some sweet rewards, we’ve got you covered. This guide provides details on Cliff’s lineup, weaknesses, and the best counters to ensure your victory.

Understanding Cliff’s Lineup: Before facing Cliff, trainers must first defeat six Team Go Rocket Grunts and collect their Mysterious Components. These components can be used to assemble a Rocket Radar, which allows you to locate and battle Team Go Rocket Leaders such as Cliff, Arlo, or Sierra. Compared to the Team Go Rocket Grunts found at PokeStops, these leaders present a much tougher challenge. To make matters more difficult, you won’t know which set of Pokemon Cliff will send out until the battle begins. But fear not; with the right information and counters, you can defeat Cliff and even get a chance to catch a Shadow Larvitar for your own collection.
Cliff’s Lineup in June 2023: Phase 1: Aerodactyl Phase 2: Slowking, Cradily, and Gallade Phase 3: Dusknoir, Mamoswine, and Tyranitar
Phase 1: Aerodactyl -Cliff always starts with Aerodactyl. This Rock/Flying-type Pokemon is weak against Steel, Water, Ice, Rock, and Electric-type attacks. Here are some of the best counters for Aerodactyl:
- Kyogre: Waterfall (Fast Move) and Origin Pulse (Charge Move)
- Metagross: Bullet Punch (Fast Move) and Meteor Mash (Charge Move)
- Electivire: Thunder Shock (Fast Move) and Wild Charge (Charge Move)
- Rampardos: Smack Down (Fast Move) and Rock Slide (Charge Move)
- Kingler: Bubble (Fast Move) and Crabhammer (Charge Move)
- Rhyperior: Smack Down (Fast Move) and Rock Wrecker (Charge Move)
Phase 2: Slowking, Cradily, or Gallade- Cliff’s second phase can include Slowking, Cradily, or Gallade. Each of these Pokemon has its own weaknesses and counters.
- Slowking (Water/Psychic-type):
- Weaknesses: Bug, Dark, Electric, Ghost, and Grass-type moves
- Resistant to: Fighting, Fire, Ice, Psychic, Steel, and Water-type attacks Recommended counters for Slowking are:
- Kartana: Razor Leaf (Fast Move) and Leaf Blade (Charge Move)
- Gengar: Shadow Claw (Fast Move) and Shadow Ball (Charge Move)
- Electivire: Thunder Shock (Fast Move) and Wild Charge (Charge Move)
- Roserade: Razor Leaf (Fast Move) and Grass Knot (Charge Move)
- Hydreigon: Bite (Fast Move) and Brutal Swing (Charge Move)
- Chandelure: Hex (Fast Move) and Shadow Ball (Charge Move)
- Cradily (Grass/Rock-type):
- Weaknesses: Bug, Fighting, Ice, and Steel-type attacks
- Resistant to: Electric and Normal-type attacks Recommended counters for Cradily include:
- Terrakion: Double Kick (Fast Move) and Sacred Sword (Charge Move)
- Lucario: Counter (Fast Move) and Aura Sphere (Charge Move)
- Conkeldurr: Counter (Fast Move) and Dynamic Punch (Charge Move)
- Galarian Darmanitan: Ice Fang (Fast Move) and Avalanche (Charge Move)
- Metagross: Bullet Punch (Fast Move) and Meteor Mash (Charge Move)
- Mamoswine: Powder Snow (Fast Move) and Avalanche (Charge Move)
- Gallade (Psychic/Fighting-type):
- Weaknesses: Fairy, Flying, and Ghost-type attacks
- Resistant to: Fighting and Rock-type attacks Recommended counters for Gallade are:
- Gengar: Shadow Claw (Fast Move) and Shadow Ball (Charge Move)
- Chandelure: Hex (Fast Move) and Shadow Ball (Charge Move)
- Staraptor: Wing Attack (Fast Move) & Brave Bird (Charge Move)
- Honchkrow: Peck (Fast Move) and Brave Bird (Charge Move)
- Gardevoir: Charm (Fast Move) and Dazzling Gleam (Charge Move)
- Braviary: Air Slash (Fast Move) and Brave Bird (Charge Move)
Phase 3: Dusknoir, Mamoswine, or Tyranitar In the final phase, Cliff can use Dusknoir, Mamoswine, or Tyranitar.
- Dusknoir (Ghost-type):
- Weaknesses: Dark and Ghost-type attacks
- Resistant to: Bug, Fighting, Normal, and Poison-type attacks Recommended counters for Dusknoir include:
- Origin Forme Giratina: Shadow Claw (Fast Move) and Shadow Force (Charge Move)
- Chandelure: Hex (Fast Move) and Shadow Ball (Charge Move)
- Hydreigon: Bite (Fast Move) and Brutal Swing (Charged Move)
- Gengar: Shadow Claw (Fast Move) and Shadow Ball (Charge Move)
- Weavile: Feint Attack (Fast Move) and Foul Play (Charge Move)
- Houndoom: Snarl (Fast Move) and Foul Play (Charge Move)
- Mamoswine (Ice/Ground-type):
- Weaknesses: Fighting, Fire, Grass, Steel, and Water-type attacks
- Resistant to: Electric and Poison-type attacks Recommended counters for Mamoswine are:
- Kartana: Razor Leaf (Fast Move) and Leaf Blade (Charge Move)
- Reshiram: Fire Fang (Fast Move) and Fusion Flare (Charge Move)
- Terrakion: Double Kick (Fast Move) and Sacred Sword (Charge Move)
- Darmanitan: Incinerate (Fast Move) and Overheat (Charge Move)
- Metagross: Bullet Punch (Fast Move) and Meteor Mash (Charge Move)
- Roserade: Razor Leaf (Fast Move) and Grass Knot (Charge Move)
- Tyranitar (Dark/Rock-type):
- Weaknesses: Bug, Fairy, Fighting, Grass, Ground, Steel, and Water-type attacks Recommended counters for Tyranitar include:
- Conkeldurr: Counter (Fast Move) and Dynamic Punch (Charge Move)
- Lucario: Counter (Fast Move) and Aura Sphere (Charge Move)
- Breloom: Counter (Fast Move) and Dynamic Punch (Charge Move)
- Alakazam: Counter (Fast Move) and Focus Blast (Charge Move)
- Machamp: Counter (Fast Move) and Dynamic Punch (Charge Move)
- Kartana: Razor Leaf (Fast Move) and Leaf Blade (Charge Move)
The Best Team to Beat Cliff in Pokemon GO: One of the most effective teams to defeat Cliff’s current lineup consists of Metagross, Gengar, and Terrakion. Metagross, a strong Steel-type Pokemon, can handle Aerodactyl as well as Cradily, Mamoswine, and Tyranitar. Gengar, a powerful Ghost-type Pokemon, can easily take down Slowking, Gallade, and Dusknoir. However, be cautious when facing Dusknoir, as Ghost-type Pokemon are vulnerable to Ghost-type attacks. Finally, including Terrakion, a formidable Fighting-type Pokemon, in your team provides additional coverage against Cradily, Mamoswine, and Tyranitar.
Adapting Your Strategy for Success: Remember that if you fail to defeat Cliff, you can rematch him multiple times until you succeed. This flexibility allows you to modify your team composition if you encounter unexpected challenges. By preparing adequately and adapting your strategy, you increase your chances of emerging victorious against Cliff and reaping the rewards.
In conclusion, Cliff is a formidable Team Go Rocket Leader in Pokemon GO. To defeat him, it’s essential to understand his lineup and weaknesses. By leveraging the recommended counters and assembling a well-rounded team, comprising Metagross, Gengar, and Terrakion, you can overcome Cliff’s challenging lineup. Good luck on your quest to defeat Cliff, earn valuable rewards, and potentially catch a Shadow Larvitar of your own!