In the dynamic virtual world of Lethal Company, success hinges on your ability to collect scrap efficiently and meet the ever-increasing quotas. Whether you’re a rookie intern or a seasoned boss, this guide is tailored to equip you with practical strategies to sell scrap, exceed quotas, and elevate your standing in the cutthroat realm of Lethal Company.
It’s wise to start on moons with mild weather conditions. Steering clear of rainy, stormy, flooded, eclipsed, or foggy moons increases your team’s survival odds. Utilize the right mouse button to search buildings systematically, revealing valuable scrap items. Frequent use of the “E” key on your keyboard enables you to grab items with precision, considering the limited four slots available without mods. Some items, like stop and yield signs, can be wielded against foes with a simple left mouse button click.
Surviving encounters with monsters and navigating the building successfully, your goal is to bring as much scrap back to the ship as possible. Prioritize high-value items and drop them on the ship using the “G” key. Consider carrying dead bodies back to the ship to minimize credit fines, but beware of the ticking clock. If daylight persists, venture back into the building for additional loot, but brace yourself for increased enemy activity during the night.
Selling ScrapÂ
By the third day, your team should head to Gordion to sell accumulated scrap. The intercom or the screen next to the quota amount will signal the impending deadline. Use the terminal, type “company,” and confirm to travel to Gordion. Selling is a straightforward process – place items on the counter and ring the bell. But be vigilant, as the tentacle monster, Jeb, will appear to collect your loot.
In desperate situations, selling teammates’ bodies for five dollars each is an option, though not recommended. Focus on selling items like walkie-talkies and flashlights for profit, and brace yourself for consequences if the quota isn’t met. The termination process initiates with alarms, flashing lights, and expulsion into the vacuum of space, forcing a restart with nothing.
Strategies for Maximizing Profits
Timing plays a pivotal role in maximizing profits. While you can sell scrap any day, rates peak closest to the deadline. The buying rates table illustrates the potential gains: First Day: 30%, Second Day: 70%, Third Day: 100%
Crafting a profitable strategy involves selling just enough scrap to meet the quota on the deadline day. Prioritize small items and low-value scrap initially, reserving larger items for potential bad luck days. To safeguard accumulated loot, designate a crew member to stay on the ship, prepared to start the ship if the rest of the team succumbs.
Investing in ship upgrades and items such as transporters, weapons, and ladders can significantly enhance quota-meeting odds. Transporters can rescue stranded teammates, but be wary of item loss. Weapons ensure crew survival, particularly when carrying valuable items. Venturing into higher-difficulty moons like Titan, Rend, and Dine can yield higher-value scrap, but the risks are proportionate. Equip yourself with weapons and strategies tailored to each monster, ensuring a successful stint in Lethal Company.
While the allure of challenging moons exists, beginners should exercise caution, focusing initially on easier environments like Experimentation and Assurance. Once on challenging moons, stay committed, weathering adverse conditions for the lucrative rewards they promise.
Scrap collection, strategic selling, and profit maximization is the key to success in Lethal Company. Whether you’re navigating the treacherous terrains of higher-difficulty moons or tactically selling items to meet quotas, these insights will propel you toward triumph in this thrilling virtual universe. Remember, adaptability and strategic thinking are your best allies in the relentless pursuit of success at Lethal Company.