The Palace of the Dead is a constantly changing dungeon with an architectural structure that is never quite the same each time players enter to explore it. All players will start at level one, and only by fighting the enemies within will they be able to gain the strength and experience needed to explore its shadowy depths and advance to higher levels. Players who choose to leave midway can return later to continue playing from where they last saved their activities.
Players can enter inside the Palace of the Dead by talking to the Wood Wailer expeditionary captain in the South Shroud at Quarrymill. When entering together as one party, only the party leader can begin the instance.

Players may enter with a group, with the maximum number of members being four. There are no restrictions to jobs, classes, or roles.
Entering as a Fixed Party
After your conversation with the Wood Wailer expeditionary captain, choose “Enter the Palace of the Dead,” and then select an unused save slot. After this, choose the option for “Enter with a fixed party.” All future forays into the Palace of the Dead must be done along with the party members and party composition that is chosen when registering.
Party Composition
When creating a fixed party, players are free to choose any combination of jobs and classes that they would like to have
Save Data
Your character’s level, armour strength, aetherpool arm, inventory, and floor progression will be recorded by the game.
Resuming Play
Players in a fixed party are required to have uniformly saved data. Also, this data that has been saved can only be used with the party members and party composition that was initially chosen when you first entered the Palace of the Dead.
Boss enemies will appear after every 10 floors. After you have defeated them, you will be able to record their progress. At this point in time, you can choose to leave the deep dungeon if you want to. Please note that progress made in strengthening both aetherpool arms and armour is saved independently and shared across all of your saved data.
Players who have cleared the 50th floor of the Palace of the Dead will be given the option to start from floor 1 or floor 51 when planning to create a new file to save their progress. When beginning your activity from floor 51, you will be set to level 60 and your inventories will be cleared of any and all pomanders.