The recent pandemic created havoc in every major industry that resulted in financial loss, fall of the country’s G.D.P., and many more. At present, the situation is a bit good, but the cloud of uncertainty is still hovering, and instead of that, many economists state that the gambling industry will have huge growth in the year 2022.
Here, in this article, you will find some key elements that are boosting the market of the gambling industry in 2022.
The gambling game is not new in our society as it has a long history; instead of moving to that scenario, you must know about the factors that changed the gambling business completely. The prime one is digitalization and advanced technology. Recently, many gaming companies are offering an online platform to users for betting as it is safe and secure. Furthermore, the blend of A.R. (Augmented Reality) and V.R. (Virtual Reality) has given the push to the gambling industry.
Nowadays, Metaverse and Crypto platforms are high in demand, and the application of the same will definitely hike the revenue of the gambling industry. At present, Europe is the country having the largest gambling station, and Northern America is the fastest growing one in the field of gambling.
Gambling Business-An Overview via Figures
In 2021, the gambling market made a business of $72 billion, and if compared this figure to 2019, the result is amazing. Now, moving to the current year, the economist is stating that the gambling business will rise and after five years from the present the market value will reach $130 billion. Furthermore, the compound annual growth rate of the gambling industry will be 7.9% in the coming five years.
What Are The Factors Responsible For The Boost In The Gambling Industry?
The major factor that acts as a catalyst in the gambling firm is digitalization. With the advancement of technology, many users are placing the bet online on platforms like Gclub. Additionally, betting on sports-based activity or virtual casinos is also dragging the users to the online platform. Now, the users have ample options to place a bet, such as Poker, Blackjack, and others.
Online Platform
Now, you may wonder why people are rushing towards online gambling? Well, the prime reason is accessibility, easy money transfer, and others. The emerging element in the digital world is blockchain technology which gives complete security either in the form of N.F.T. or cryptocurrency. Many new games are based on this technology that offers betting features.
N.F.T. is a new concept in the digital world that acts as a powerful weapon that enables the users to earn money, no matter what the platform is, as it covers almost every sector, including gambling.
The Demand for Sports Betting
Gambling is separated into many categories, such as type of game, demographics, end-user, and others. Sports betting comes in the game type section, and in this category, the predominant sport is Football. As everyone is aware, Football is the most popular game in the world, and the fan following base is huge. So, in the major football events, like FIFA World Cup, UEFA, and Premier League, most people place bet on their favorite team and also on the players scoring the goal.
Challenging Market
In the business, it is noted that the more the competition, the more will be revenue generation. Likewise, in the gambling sector, there are many dominating firms that have a strong grip on the online market, and they are focusing on the expansion of the business. It means a significant profit will be seen in the gambling industry. The expansion term in the business means acquiring the existing firm, product innovation via application of technology, partnership with the business tycoon, and others.
Who are the major companies giving boom to the Gambling Industry?
Most of the companies are aware of the new technology, i.e., blockchain, and the impact of the same can be clearly seen on the gaming companies. Now, such companies are planning to execute the betting feature on the game, as this concept is not new, but technology is new. Now, let’s have a glance at these companies who gave the gambling industry new recognition.
Esports is first on the list, and most of the gamers and even commoners are aware of this company. Esports is a gaming company that has launched ample games of sports and other genres, such as FIFA, Cricket, Need For Speed, and many more. At present, this gaming company has filed a patent to start horse betting via the game with the participation of financial instruments.
Zynga and Forte Joined Hands
Zynga Inc. is the pivotal point in the interactive entertainment platform that offers amazing games for all classes has joined hands with Forte company, the one that is the foundation stone of blockchain technology. Together, they are planning to bring the games on blockchain technology and enable the players to place the bet.
A gaming company that has excellent experience in the service of betting has also stepped in to boost the gambling industry. The gaming firm has made a partnership with some companies with an aim to increase the visibility of gambling via games throughout the world. SharpLink will offer the most advanced features to enable the players to enjoy the game and gamble efficiently.
Bottom Line
Undoubtedly, the gambling industry will grow in 2022, and the results will be clearly visible in the second quarter of this year as big players such as Slot Online Casino report dramatic increase in profits. Furthermore, the business experts have also forecasted the future of gambling after five years, and as per them, the gambling industry will be in a boom. The various parameters related to the rise of this industry are already provided above.
Blockchain technology is the key player, and the role of the same will be crucial in the gambling industry. This technology has already spread its wings in almost all sectors, and the investors are getting good profit. Now, it’s the time of the gambling industry.