In a new video shared on YouTube, eXtas1s, who has proven himself to be pretty reliable when it comes to Microsoft rumors over the last couple of months, has revealed that PlatinumGames has approached Xbox about publishing and funding its upcoming title. According to eXtas1s Youtube, PlatinumGames has approached Xbox about publishing and funding their next game for Xbox platforms.

Platinum Games is reportedly looking at developing a new IP for Xbox platforms, years after their failed Scalebound project. Namely, sources are now saying the studio has approached Xbox One about financing and publishing rights, suggesting that the team may have ideas for a spectacular project down the line.
In 2013, the Scalebounds concept was developed, and it was in 2013 when the current development began, The game was in current production for nearly four years prior to the cancellation of the project by Xbox One, meaning that it is not completely out of the question that the studio may look into rebooting Scalebound in some capacity.
Platinum Studio boss Atsushi Inaba said at the start of February he was interested in returning to Scalebound, but PlatinumGame’s ability to do this is completely dependent on Xbox. Bayonetta studio Platinum Games will also look to transition towards the self-publishing model for its games, with studio head Atsushi Inaba saying they would ultimately reach the point of having freedom of ownership over their IPs and making independent decisions about future directions.
Inaba said that Bayonetta studio Platinum Gamesa’s new approach could be broken down to changes in its business model, including moving away from dependence on outside publishers to finance, and an overhaul in the way that it structures game design. Bayonetta studio Platinum Games has said 2019 is going to be a hugely important year for the developer, with the company expected to benefit from major new approaches that are designed to shake up both its business and design strategies. For those who do not know, Scalebound is an abandoned action RPG game developed by Platinum Games from 2013-2017, which was supposed to be released on Xbox One and PC.
The canceled Xbox-exclusive RPG was canceled in 2017, having been developed once for Xbox One and Windows PC, and was slated for publication by Microsoft Studios. Developer on canceled Xbox-exclusive RPG, Scalebound has expressed an interest in restarting discussions on an Xbox-exclusive with Microsoft. This is still a rumor so take this news a pinch of salt, we’ll be sure to cover more news about the supposed title when we get some actual confirmation from the developers.