Yes Bank co-benefactor Rana Kapoor said in a stunning admission that he had to acquire an MF Husain artwork from Congress pioneer Priyanka Gandhi. In exchange, he was promised a Padma Bhushan award, he informed the Enforcement Directorate (ED).
Under the careful eye of the unusual court, the ED has documented a second beneficial charge sheet, according to which Rana Kapoor confessed that he had to acquire a work of art owned by Gandhi-scion Priyanka Gandhi at Rs 2 crore. Rana Kapoor further stated that late Congress leader Murli Deora, who was the Union Petroleum Minister at the time, linked the purchase of the work of art to his chances of receiving the Padma Bhushan award.
Kapoor further testified to the ED that Murli Deora warned him that refusing to buy the creative masterpiece would preclude him from becoming close with the Gandhis and from receiving the Padma Bhushan award.
“He (Murli Deora) had even given me a few options and messages from several mobile numbers. In truth, I was notably frightened to go for this arrangement, and I had also attempted to avoid this arrangement on a few occasions by disregarding his calls/messages and individual gatherings “According to the charge sheet.
Indeed, Bank co-benefactor Rana Kapoor, who is accused of tax cheating, revealed that the Gandhi family utilized the deal proceeds for Sonia Gandhi’s clinical treatment in New York. The shocking revelation has cast suspicion on Gandhis’ involvement in the Yes Bank ruse.
The previous financier also stated that he had deposited a Rs 2 crore cheque and that Murli Deora’s son Milind Deora subsequently told him confidentially that the Gandhi family utilized the sale proceeds for Sonia’s clinical care. According to the charge sheet, Milind Deora paid many visits to Rana Kapoor’s home and workplace to persuade him to purchase an MF Husain artwork from Priyanka Gandhi Vadra.
Kapoor allegedly informed the ED that Ahmed Patel, a former Sonia Gandhi assistant, had told him that by assisting the Gandhi family during a favorable time for Sonia’s treatment, he had done something beneficial for the family and it would be properly considered for the prestigious “Padma Bhushan” award.
The accused further stated that he grudgingly persisted with the transaction despite his family’s wishes since he did not want any form of conflict with the Deoras or the Gandhis.
“First and foremost, I wish to stress that it was a constrained deal for which I was rarely prepared,” the charge sheet said of the composition Kapoor allegedly purchased from Priyanka Gandhi Vadra.
His claims are critical for the second stronger charge sheet filed in the unusual court here recently against the Yes Bank co-benefactor, his family, DHFL advertisements Kapil and Dheeraj Wadhawan, and others in a tax cheating case.