In a tragic incident at Tokyo’s Haneda Airport, a Japan Airlines (JAL) Airbus A350 airliner collided with a Coast Guard aircraft, leading to a devastating fire that claimed the lives of five crew members of the smaller craft. The incident, which occurred shortly before 6 p.m. on Tuesday, resulted in a miraculous evacuation, with all 379 people aboard the JAL plane escaping the burning airliner.
The JAL aircraft had departed from New Chitose Airport on Japan’s northern island of Hokkaido. Following the accident, Haneda Airport, one of Tokyo’s main hubs, was closed for several hours, impacting numerous flights, including 110 domestic flights by JAL’s rival, ANA.
The Collision and Ensuing Chaos
Live footage from public broadcaster NHK captured the harrowing moments as the JAL airliner burst into flames while skidding down the tarmac. Social media was flooded with videos and images showing passengers in a smoke-filled cabin, frantically escaping via evacuation slides. Amidst the chaos, the urgency was palpable, with a child’s voice heard pleading for a quick exit.
Heroic Evacuation and Injuries
All 367 passengers and 12 crew members were successfully evacuated from the blazing aircraft. However, the fire raged for over six hours before being extinguished shortly after midnight, as reported by broadcaster TBS. Among the passengers, 17 were injured, with four requiring hospitalization. Fortunately, none of the injuries were life-threatening.
Passengers recounted the terrifying moments. Satoshi Yamake, a 59-year-old telecommunications worker on board, described the sudden tilt and bump of the airplane. Transport Minister Tetsuo Saito confirmed the deaths of five Coast Guard crew members, while the injured 39-year-old captain miraculously escaped.
The Coast Guard aircraft, a Bombardier-built Dash-8, was on a noble mission to deliver aid to victims of a powerful earthquake that struck Japan’s west coast on New Year’s Day, claiming at least 55 lives. This tragic twist added a layer of sorrow to the already grim situation.
Investigations and Praise for the Evacuation
The circumstances of the collision are under investigation, with a JAL official stating that the flight had received permission to land. Aviation experts and passengers alike praised the speed and efficiency of the evacuation. Paul Hayes, director of air safety at UK-based Ascend by Cirium, highlighted the commendable fact that no passengers appeared to be carrying hand luggage, a practice that can endanger lives during evacuations.
Relatives waiting for passengers experienced a rollercoaster of emotions. Kaoru Ishii, awaiting her daughter and boyfriend, initially thought the flight was delayed until she received the alarming call. The relief upon learning of their safety was immense.
Transport Minister Saito emphasized that the cause of the accident remains unclear, with investigations ongoing by the Japan Transport Safety Board, police, and other departments. Prime Minister Fumio Kishida expressed sorrow over the loss of the Coast Guard crew and reassured that efforts were being made to ensure the continuity of earthquake relief supply deliveries.
The JAL Airbus A350
The JAL Airbus A350 involved in the Haneda Airport collision is a modern, wide-body jet known for its spacious cabin, fuel efficiency, and advanced safety features. It can accommodate up to 369 passengers in its standard configuration, and in this case, carried 367 souls alongside 12 crew members. The A350 boasts a suite of safety technologies, including fly-by-wire controls, automated flight systems, and redundant critical systems. However, no aircraft is infallible, and even the A350 has seen its share of incidents, though none as catastrophic as this recent collision.
This collision tragically echoes past incidents like the Tenerife Airport disaster of 1977, where two Boeing 747s collided on the runway, resulting in the deadliest aviation accident in history. Such events led to significant changes in international safety regulations and operational procedures. The Haneda Airport incident could potentially follow suit, influencing regulations and best practices globally to strengthen the armor against unforeseen mishaps.
While technology and procedures play a vital role, human vigilance remains paramount. Pilots, ground personnel, and air traffic controllers must operate with focus and adherence to established protocols. Continuous training, fatigue management, and clear communication channels are essential to safeguard against human error.