Mastering the skills of completing academic assignments is one of the priorities for a modern student. If you don’t know what the assignment is in education, pay attention that it is a task assigned to a student as part of the course of study. Its implementation must always be approached responsibly.
Problems Faced by Students While Completing Academic Assignments
Experts identify three groups of skills needed to successfully perform academic assignments:
- Academic literacy. This includes reading, speaking, and writing papers, taking into account the purpose of the statement. The expression of opinions through the tools of discussion and research is also of great importance;
- Information literacy. This involves identifying information needs and finding sources of information, their evaluation, and application;
- Intercultural literacy. This includes knowledge of different cultures, including traditions and values.
Obviously, students face many problems when performing academic assignments. This can be due to the formulation of ideas, selection of arguments, etc. A very common problem is the inconsistency of the structure, which usually consists of an introduction, thesis, main part, and conclusion. Loss of the thesis or its vague wording is often observed. Another mistake is the unscientific style of presenting the information. Students often use abbreviations of grammatical forms, slang expressions, etc.
In modern conditions of expansion of information space, the question of plagiarism acquires special urgency. Therefore, among other problems that students face when performing academic assignments, is the inability to achieve high uniqueness of papers. One more problem is the incomprehensibility and difficulty of perceiving what is written. Students often form separate paragraphs, which are then difficult to combine into a single coherent text. The omission of introductory words and constructions that help to achieve coherence of the text is common.

Another difficulty that should be mentioned is incorrect formatting. This is usually due to ignorance of the relevant standards, called styles. The most common styles are APA, MLA, Chicago, and Harvard. Their choice depends on the subject, educational institution, and the requirements of the teacher.
What Do You Need to Know to Perform Academic Assignments Successfully?
To overcome all difficulties and cope with the academic assignment well, the student must put in a lot of effort and time. However, everyone can contact the cheap essay writing service UK and get help. The experts of the website are ready to perform any academic assignment, regardless of its level of complexity. According to customer reviews, you can really get quality and reliable support there. Therefore, if you need assignment help, do not waste time. It is better to immediately turn to professional writers.
However, the student needs to learn to cope with academic difficulties and perform different types of assignments independently. Here are 7 things students need to know to achieve the desired goal.
Formula of Academic Writing
Theoretically, the main formula of academic writing is the “3P” formula: process – practice – product. Consider each element of the formula:
- Process. Writing a text is a purely individual process. Each author organizes this process differently, which requires him to apply certain knowledge and skills;
- Practice. This is the result of many personal processes with the analysis of the result. The greater the practice, the clearer and more understandable the process is for each specific task. The essay is widely used today to accelerate the acquisition of practice. This is a small work written according to the laws of academic writing. It has primarily methodological value. It is easy to write and discuss, the topics are very diverse;
- Product. Every academic assignment is a public product. The reader is not interested in the whole history of writing the work and the path of becoming an author. The reader needs a product: relevant, modern, and with specific benefits (factual, methodological, ideological, etc.).
Implementation of an Academic Assignment: Algorithm of Work
The beginning of an academic assignment is the most complex and individual process. To prepare well for the assignment, you may use various mobile apps and follow the below student checklist:
- Understand the topic, content, the purpose of writing tasks, etc.;
- Formulate the main idea of ​​the work;
- Identify the main aspects of the topic (disciplinary, subject);
- Identify the necessary sources;
- Select the necessary support by processing information from different sources;
- Choose the appropriate text structure;
- Write the main part according to the selected structure;
- Organize and write an introduction;
- Organize and write conclusions;
- Critically read the entire text;
- Rewrite incorrect moments;
- Carefully read the whole text, correct mistakes.
All this makes up a good assignment.Â
Effective Technologies for Performing Academic Assignments
There are several effective strategies to help you accomplish various types of assignments:
- Free writing. In fact, the flow of consciousness starts for 5 minutes. The main thing is not to stop. Interestingly, the thought becomes more formalized at the end;
- Questioning. The subject of the study raises many-sided questions. This is especially useful for writing an introduction and thinking about the structure. The questions are gathered in groups that are similar in content. Thus, the process of generating ideas takes place;
- Brainstorming. It is an operational method for solving an assignment based on stimulating creative activity. The student expresses as many options for solving the problem as possible. Then the most successful ideas are selected from the total number of ideas expressed.
- Clustering. This involves grouping the results of previous technology. Elements that create a logically linked group are marked with different colors or shapes of frames, followed by links. In this way, analysis and synthesis take place.
Thesis – Most Important Representative of the Cohort of Thoughts
There are 2 categories of thoughts. The first expresses a subjective opinion that can be verified. The second requires a sufficiently voluminous and comprehensive textual justification. The thoughts of this type serve as the thesis of academic work. Thesis – a statement-carrier of the main idea of ​​the text. The thesis should be traced from the introduction. Otherwise, the reader will not feel the focus, lose interest in your text, or will not understand you. In the final part of the academic text, the thesis will provide material for the main conclusion.
Role of Argumentation
The argument is a means by which an author wants to gain a supporter of his position. It is the main tool for substantiating the conclusion. The same information leads to different conclusions due to different arguments. Arguments transform information: the unknown becomes known through proof. Each argument is based on its support. It’s great when the author can anticipate opponents’ objections.
Specificity of the Use of Sources
All assignments for students are performed in a certain environment. That is, there are research prerequisites, there is post-research or the discovery of new horizons. And, most importantly, there are competing or, conversely, synergistically related parallel works. This fact requires the careful study of the literature and providing references in the text. Using sources allows avoiding plagiarism and better position your opinion. Finding sources and studying the literature is a relentless process that continues in parallel to obtain its own results.
Citation Standards
From a technical point of view, there are several dozen citation formats. Each educational institution openly states which standards it adheres to. Therefore, it is important to take this into account when performing and designing academic assignments.
So, in this article, you received information about what problems students face when completing academic assignments. You also learned 7 important things that every modern student should know about. Now try to apply the knowledge gained in practice and cope with the academic assignment successfully!
Bio: Rebecca Carter works as a content writer for a company that provides expert essay writing services. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and has a passion to write articles about her experience and life. When Rebecca has free time, she helps animals´ shelters and visits cooking courses.