The opening week of Shark Tank India Season 2 depicted some groundbreaking businessmen, although one of them left the ‘sharks’ in tears. A sneakers innovator left Anupam Mittal, Aman Gupta, Vineeta Singh, and Peyush Bansal clamoring against him in a Sony TV campaign for Friday’s instalment.
He demonstrated that when he does not begin receiving adequate financial support from the show, his corporation, Flatheads Shoes, may cease operations. As Vineeta pointed out, “Aap bhatke hue lag rahe hain (You seem a little lost),” he acknowledged that the couple had been trying to put in their personal money for the last two months. While addressing the situation of his company, the businessperson broke down and mentioned that if he does not start receiving any incentive to invest, he will search for employment and will actually attempt to relaunch his company even before he finds the funding.
As the businessperson regained his composure Anupam told him, “‘I have an open offer for you regarding a job.” Aman Gupta encouraged him, and said, “You are down but not out my friend.” Vineeta admitted, “Sir, I have been in those shoes.”
Anupam Mittal briefly covered the ‘adoration and critiques’ that the episode obtained in its first week. “But after just two episodes, the publicity surrounding @sharktankindia has literally burned me away. Tons of love and criticism – ‘if you are never criticized, you may not be accomplishing much all that matters’ – enough that keep the floral arrangements AND the personal abuse coming, mazaa aa raha hai,” he wrote.
The show handed back after a productive first season, but Ashneer Grover, who was a key player in the first season, is no longer a part of it. Ashneer recently stated on Ranveer Allahbadia’s podcast that after quitting, he unfollowed all the ‘sharks’. “I believe there should be complete separation. I unfollowed all of the sharks on social media when I wasn’t on Shark Tank India season 2. It is now their game, and why should I be interested in what is happening on Shark Tank’s set or behind the scenes? That is no longer a part of my life. “I want to do something different with my life, so why should I be stuck in the past?” he asked.