Conquest, the renowned startup accelerator by BITS Pilani, is set to culminate its rigorous 7-week journey with the highly anticipated Demo Day. Backed by WestBridge Capital, this two-decades-old program has cemented its reputation as a premier platform for nurturing India’s most promising entrepreneurial talent.
This year’s grand finale will spotlight 14 innovative startups at the Four Seasons, Embassy One, Bengaluru on Sunday, August 11th. The event promises an exciting mix of panel discussions, keynote speeches, and networking breaks. Central to the Demo Day is a Shark Tank-style pitching session, where these startups will present their innovative ideas to a panel of discerning jurors. The stakes are high, with equity-free cash prizes up for grabs by the winning pitches. In the past three years alone, Conquest has awarded over ₹1 crore in such grants, underscoring its commitment to bolstering the startup ecosystem.
Witnessing participation from over 20 venture capital firms, more than 15 media houses, and 100+ startup veterans, the event is set to make waves in the startup ecosystem. Over the years Conquest has hosted the likes of Nithin Kamath from Zerodha, Rajeev Misra from SoftBank, and Abhijit Kane from Postman Labs.
Aspiring participants and enthusiasts can secure their presence by registering online at, unlocking an opportunity to connect with the trailblazers shaping the future of innovation in India.