Dell has added one more new product to its XPS lineup, where you get the Dell XPS 13 Plus 9320 now in India. XPS laptop is a professional yet business laptop which comes under the 1.5 KG laptop series, weighing around 1.24 KG. Adding more about the design side of the laptop, it comes with a unique, slim, and minimal design language. Inside the laptop, you get the latest and great 12th gen Intel SoC which is capable enough to provide a great boost in performance compared to its previous laptops from Dell.
On the front, you get a 13-inch display that supports 4K resolution with the sRGB percentage standing at 100% and also you get up to 500 nits of peak brightness too. Dell even said that the laptop’s design comes with aluminum and glass which are recyclable in nature.
Features don’t end here! The laptop also comes with 16GB of faster LPDDR5 RAM and even you get a faster and greater 1TB PCIe SSD internal storage. The RAM supports a speed of 5200 MHz. Out of the box, you will also get the latest and great Windows 11. Let’s get to the battery side, the laptop comes with 55Wh which is quite normal with industry standards, it also comes with the support for fast charging where the laptop gets charged up by 80% in just an hour.
The laptop also is embedded with EyeSafe Technology which helps in the reduction of blue light emission. Getting to the ports, here you get a Light Gray backlighting keyboard and for privacy reasons, you also get an embedded fingerprint scanner too. You also get Thunderbolt ports, USB-C, and even USB-A ports too. On the speaker side, you get quad speakers and on the connectivity side, you get the latest Bluetooth 5.2 and Intel WiFi 6 as well.
What is its launched pricing?
As far as pricing is concerned, the Dell XPS laptop series comes in two different variations with one variant which comes with a 12th gen intel i5 processor, the i5-1260p Soc will be coming with 16GB of RAM and also you get an internal storage of 512GB of SSD storage space too. Here the pricing is set at Rs. 159,990.
Here you also get a 12th gen i7 processor which is the i7-1260P coming with 12 cores on the chipset, and also you get a 1TB of SSD storage space inside for the price of Rs. 179,990. You can get the laptop on the Dell India website and also the Amazon India website.