According to a former developer for Half-Life 2, Portal, Left 4 Dead, and Valve, the usage of quotations in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 is gross.
Compared to other Call of Duty games, Modern Warfare 3 is struggling more than others. Particularly in our own assessment, the MW3 storyline has come under heavy fire, and recent player counts indicate that, even with the addition of zombies and Warzone, the multiplayer mode is having trouble keeping up with Modern Warfare 2. The renowned former Valve writer of the Left 4 Dead, Portal, Portal 2, and Half-Life 2 episodes, Chet Faliszek, informs the Call of Duty crew that a certain element of the most recent CoD is exploitative and gross as Activision’s yearly shooter continues.
Faliszek’s personal review after Playing CoD MW 3
The new open-combat objectives and the reuse of Warzone and multiplayer map settings are just two of the criticisms we level at the Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 campaign in our assessment. In addition to the death quotes that are a sporadic Call of Duty tradition, Modern Warfare 3 also has notable statements from well-known people that show up on screen each time you’re killed. Faliszek, a writer for Half-Life 2 Episodes One and Two whose credits also include CSGO, posts a little video on Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, notably mentioning one of the game’s death quotes.
“I just played Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 this weekend, the single-player, and I’m shooting people in the face,” Faliszek explains. “And then I didn’t shoot people in the face well enough so I died. And then I got this quote from famous military proponent Rosa Parks.”
Then Faliszek posts a screenshot from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, in which when you die, a quotation from Rosa Parks, a key player in the American Civil Rights Movement, appears. The Parks quote says, “Knowing what has to be done eliminates fear.” Faliszek also continued by saying,
“To the Call of Duty crew, I understand. “We’re going to call attention to her because she’s a civil-rights activist and she has this great quote,” you’re thinking. Nope. Here we have exploitation. It’s disgusting. The fact that your game involves shooting people in the face is not related to Rosa Parks in the slightest. Don’t use her as a quotation to death. Please don’t.
In the future, Faliszek pledges to provide more commentary on Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3. With The Anacrusis leaving Steam Early Access on Tuesday, December 5, the former Valve developer is getting ready to release a new cooperative game.
MW 3 facing rough reviews
Review bombing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is happening as a result of people venting their resentment by leaving unfavorable evaluations. Although the campaign for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 has been available to players since November 2, the game’s official release date is November 10. Like the Metacritic evaluations, many fans of Steam are expressing their dissatisfaction with the campaign by stating it’s not worth the asking price. All things considered, it seems like players are having significant problems with Modern Warfare 3, which has led to it receiving a terrible internet review score.