5 February, 2016, USA: Many times internet users face lots of difficulties in downloading a particular app, browser, software etc. due to fake download button  on number of websites. While searching for a particular object to download, user comes across many sites on google. But as soon as he hooks on to one, to process download, it turns out to have a fake download button which after clicking, gives many pop-ups featuring advertisements.
To eliminate the problem permanently, Google has come up with a solution. The search engine will now block the sites containing deceptive content or ads. It will not only stop these malicious activities but will also remove chances of system getting infected from viruses, malwares, spywares etc which is a common scenario with these sites. It sounds like this will be a gradual rollout; it’ll take time for Google to work out which sites are consistent offenders.
The blocking will occur via Google’s Safe Browsing tech, which you’ve probably seen before: it’s that big red interstitial that appears when you click on a dodgy search result. Though the safe browsing service is not new in town, in fact, it is almost a decade old. But right now, it only blocks sites that are infected with malware or portals that Google had otherwise deemed unsafe.
The company started tightening up its security in November when it had started blocking sites which used to force its user to install unwanted software or reveal sensitive information. Now, with this move, it is extending its arm to websites that serve up deceptive embedded content.