Hopkins posted a message online saying, “I’m going offline for an arbitrary period of time.” I’m traveling to Beaumont FCI, where Uncle Sam will pay for my lodging and meals for the next six to fifteen months as punishment for the crime of selling Bitcoin a few years ago.
He pretended to be an over-the-counter Bitcoin trader, according to Hopkins. Bitcoin website In other words, the trade or sell that takes place outside of a major marketplace like Coinbase is what Cointelegraph refers to as “facilitating purchases and sales of crypto by both people and organizations.”
Hopkins said that the FBI searched his home and attempted to link his wife to the same case before dropping all charges in exchange for a plea agreement.
Although Hopkins didn’t commit any fraud, the US Department of Justice claimed that his actions allowed another person to do so using the money Hopkins moved on her behalf.
Hopkins confessed running a firm that changed U.S. currency, according to his plea papers.