The new hands-on image has leaked for the upcoming Google Pixel 3XL. The device which is shown in the picture is of a white variant. These newly leaked images are confirming the previous leaks of pixel devices.
The phone comprises of a large black front panel which features a large display, a visible notch at the top and a large chin at the bottom of the phone. Google has updated the selfie shooter of the phone with the two lenses which sit in the notch of the phone. The phone has a front firing stereo speaker just like the previous pixel devices with the bottom speaker which lies in the bottom chin of the smartphone.
The rear part of the phone does not have any changes according to the leaked images. Google choose a dual tone back for this smartphone as just like the previous one. The newly images confirmed that now Google is not going to bring dual camera setup for the next-gen smartphones. The phone features only a single camera at the back with LED flash.
The leaked images also confirmed that the phone would be going to have two variants, one with 4GB RAM/64GB internal storage and another with 6GB RAM/128GB internal storage. The next-gen smartphone is going to be powered with Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 SoC which will run on Android 9.0. Google could launch this phone on 4th of October.
Picture Credits: MobilSyrup