In 2024, trainers will still have to contend with Necrozma, the mysterious and potent Legendary Pokémon, and its strong stats and special powers. Comprehending the strengths, limitations, and strategic approaches of Ultra Necrozma, Dawn Wings, and Dusk Mane, its more formidable forms, as well as its base form, is essential for winning a battle. This book will give you team recommendations, in-depth tactics, and crucial advice to help you defeat Necrozma in all of its incarnations.
KEYPOINT: Necrozma Mega counters: Mega Gengar and Mega Tyranitar are your two best options. Mega Banette, Mega Rayquaza, and Mega Houndoom are other good choices if you don’t already have them.
Understanding Necrozma’s Forms and Abilities
Necrozma comes in several forms, each with distinct characteristics:
- Base Form Necrozma:
- Type: Psychic
- Ability: Prism Armor (reduces the power of super-effective moves)
- Dusk Mane Necrozma:
- Type: Psychic/Steel
- Ability: Prism Armor
- Dawn Wings Necrozma:
- Type: Psychic/Ghost
- Ability: Prism Armor
- Ultra Necrozma:
- Type: Psychic/Dragon
- Ability: Neuroforce (increases the power of super-effective moves)
Overarching Plans
- Understand Your Enemy Base Form Necrozma is vulnerable to Dark, Ghost, and Bug-type attacks.
- Moves of the Fire, Ground, Ghost, and Dark types can harm Dusk Mane Necrozma.
Necrozma with Dawn Wings is susceptible to Dark and Ghost-type attacks. - Moves of the Ice, Bug, Ghost, Dragon, Dark, and Fairy types are weak against Ultra Necrozma.
Make-Up of the Team
- Versatility: Use Pokémon that are able to counteract a variety of Necrozma vulnerabilities. Pokémon of the Ghost and Dark types are especially powerful in all forms.
- Resilience: To survive Necrozma’s potent special attacks, use Pokémon with high Special Defence.
- Support: To counter Necrozma’s offensive potential, use Pokémon with techniques like Light Screen, Reflect, and status conditions like Toxic and Thunder Wave.
Comprehensive Combat Plans
Necrozma Base Form
- Take the lead with a Pokémon that is Bug, Ghost, or Dark-type. Pokémon that can take advantage of its weaknesses include Tyranitar (Rock/Dark), Gengar (Ghost/Poison), and Scizor (Bug/Steel).
- Status techniques: To progressively reduce its health and lessen its attack power, use techniques like Toxic or Will-O-Wisp.
Dusk Mane Necrozma
- Fire and Ground-type Attacks: Fire Blast and Earthquake may deal a lot of damage to Pokémon like Heatran (Fire/Steel) or Garchomp (Dragon/Ground).
- Steer clear of Physical Attacks: Dusk Mane has a strong Defence, so concentrate on Special Attacks.
Necrozma Dawn Wings
- Moves of the Dark and Ghost types: Pokémon with the ability to deal a lot of damage include Darkrai (Dark) and Chandelure (Ghost/Fire).
- Moves like Dark Pulse and Shadow Ball are very powerful, especially when utilised by Pokémon with strong Special Attack.
Ultra Necrozma
- Use Pokémon that can match Ultra Necrozma’s speed, like as Greninja (Water/Dark) or Mimikyu (Ghost/Fairy), as it is incredibly swift and powerful.
- Moves of the Fairy and Dragon types: Draco Meteor and Moonblast are two very powerful moves.
- Priority Moves: Before Ultra Necrozma can attack, use moves like Shadow Sneak or Sucker Punch to land fast hits.
Extra Advice
- Held Items: Give your Pokémon accessories like the Choice Scarf to outpace Necrozma and the Focus Sash to withstand one-hit knockout blows.
- EV Instruction: To make your Pokémon as effective as possible in battle, maximise their EVs in Speed and Special Attack.
- Practice: Learn Necrozma’s move set so you may modify your strategy according to its patterns.
In summary
In order to defeat Necrozma in 2024, a comprehensive plan of attack, a squad built to take advantage of its flaws, and in-depth knowledge of its different forms are all necessary. These tactics and advice will provide you the tools you need to defeat this strong Legendary Pokémon. Recall that being ready and flexible are essential for winning your conflicts with Necrozma. Happy training, and may you win all of your battles!