In the untamed and infected world of Yaesha, where the relentless Root corruption holds sway, lurks the monstrous and mutated Ravager. Remnant 2 brings back this six-limbed wolf in an almost unrecognizable form from its previous iteration in Remnant: From The Ashes. Despite its grotesque appearance, the Ravager remains one of the most formidable bosses in the game. If you find yourself facing this fearsome beast, fret not, for we have some essential tips to help you triumph over the Corrupted Ravager and explore the alternative endings to this thrilling quest.
To embark on the Corrupted Ravager quest, players must first solve the Water Harp puzzle and raise the bridge leading to the beast’s lair. Once inside the lair, a tense dialogue with the creature will unfold, and players must make a crucial decision: kill the Red Doe or show mercy. Opting for mercy will trigger a fierce confrontation with the Corrupted Ravager, requiring skill and strategy to emerge victorious.
Mastering Dodging Techniques
Surviving the Ravager’s onslaught begins with perfecting your evasive maneuvers. The beast’s lunge attacks are telegraphed, but a single misstep can be devastating, as its sharp claws can decimate your health. Timing your evasive rolls is crucial to avoid these deadly lunges. Additionally, in close-quarters combat, the Ravager executes a double swipe, punishing those who mistime their dodges. Study the creature’s movements to identify the opportune moments for evasive actions and minimize damage.
Exploiting Vulnerable Spots
Unlike its former self, the Ravager now bears the telltale marks of Root’s influence, with a red pulsing growth on its back. This growth happens to be the creature’s most vulnerable area. Thus, it becomes your primary target during the battle. Aim all your offensive prowess at this weak spot from the outset, and each strike will yield critical damage. Employ high-magazine, high-volume weapons for both long-range and close-range combat to ensure a relentless assault without running out of ammunition.
Utilizing the Stone Pillars
The battleground is littered with massive stone pillars, which the Ravager will eventually knock down during the fight. However, you can strategically make use of these pillars to your advantage. Avoid standing behind specific pillars to preserve them and prevent the Ravager from destroying them during its attacks. The pillars act as barriers against the beast’s energy pulse and vortex ability, affording you a degree of protection. Bear in mind that the energy pulse will obliterate any pillar it hits, halting its protective benefits.
Evading the Deadly Vortex Ability
The most devastating move in the Ravager’s arsenal is its vortex ability, which creates a cyclone sucking players into its multiple-limbed grasp. Escaping this attack consumes stamina rapidly, making it unsustainable in the long run. To avoid the deadly cyclone, maintain a considerable distance from the Ravager. This strategy not only keeps you out of harm’s way but also allows you to anticipate and dodge its lunging attacks. Attack the vulnerable spots from afar while retreating behind a stone pillar for optimal safety, as the pillars disrupt the connection between the Ravager and its prey during the vortex attack.
Unraveling Alternative Endings
Beyond the main outcomes of the Ravager storyline, where players decide to kill the Ravager or the Doe, there are two alternative kills leading to different rewards. For the merciless souls who wish neither supernatural creature to survive, an option exists to avoid reviving the Doe and attack the Ravager, triggering alternative results.
Killing the Doe Mid-Fight
During the battle, the Doe remains on the sidelines, but if enough damage is inflicted upon it, the Ravager will absorb its energy to replenish its health. To prevent this, players have the option to kill the Doe before the Ravager can harness its energy, denying the beast its chance to heal. Those who choose this path will be rewarded with the Ravager’s Maw, a formidable melee weapon in the form of claws. The weapon gains power with successive melee strikes, making it a devastating choice.
Letting the Ravager Consume the Doe
Alternatively, players can allow the Ravager to regain its strength at the cost of the Doe’s life. This route presents a more challenging ordeal as you’ll essentially fight the beast twice. However, the rewards are worth the effort. Emerging victorious after granting the Ravager an advantage in battle earns you the Crimson Membrane. This valuable item can be exchanged with McCabe in Ward 13 for the Merciless long gun. The Merciless boasts a penetrative blast that inflicts significant damage, with a 25% chance of dealing additional critical harm to foes.
With these tips and insights into the alternative endings, you are better prepared to face the Corrupted Ravager in Remnant 2. May your journey through Yaesha be filled with triumph and adventure as you strive to defeat this formidable foe and untangle the mysteries of the Root’s infection.