In the intricate world of Palworld, where survival depends on strategic alliances with peculiar creatures known as Pals, two notable companions stand out—Elizabee and Beegarde. These Pals prove invaluable in navigating the challenges of boss fights and ensuring a steady supply of food at your base. Join us as we embark on a quest to discover the secrets of finding and catching these remarkable beings in the vast landscapes of Palworld.
Beegarde (Food Producer)
When establishing your base in Palworld, the importance of food production cannot be overstated. Beegarde, with their relentless ability to generate copious amounts of Honey, are undoubted as the pinnacle of food production Pals. A well-placed ranch provides them with the perfect grazing ground, unleashing a continuous stream of this delectable resource. What’s more, their versatility extends beyond the culinary realm, as their diverse Work Suitabilities make them adept at various tasks around the base.
To further enhance their capabilities, strategic use of special items can buff these Work Suitabilities, turning Beegarde into a multitasking marvel. Whether it’s crafting, medicine, or efficient field harvesting, Beegarde proves their worth. In combat, the synergy between Elizabee and Beegarde creates a formidable team, capable of dealing substantial damage and gaining powerful buffs from Elizabee’s drones.
Elizabee (Crafting and Combat)
As the queen of the Pals, Elizabee brings a regal touch to the realm of crafting, medicine, and swift field harvesting. Her higher-level Work Suitabilities make her indispensable for handling intricate tasks around the base. In tandem with Beegarde, Elizabee transforms into a combat powerhouse, unleashing devastating damage and leveraging buffs from her loyal drones.
To build an unbeatable team, consider assembling a squad comprising Elizabee and four Beegarde. This synergy proves highly effective against various opponents in Palworld, offering a winning strategy for ambitious players.
Where to Find and Catch Beegarde
Setting off into the landscapes of Palpagos Isles, players looking for Beegarde should set their sights on Mossanda Forest. During the daytime, these creatures can often be spotted roaming in groups of three. Exercise caution, for an Elizabee might be among them. Careful observation before approaching is advised.
Catching Beegarde poses a challenge due to their self-destructive tendencies during attacks. Armed with a swift weapon, players must quickly diminish their health and employ a high-quality Pal Sphere for a safe catch. Giga Spheres come highly recommended, ensuring a speedy capture without the risk of explosion.
Be vigilant for signs of impending self-destruction—a Beegarde making beeping noises and charging towards a target. Timing is crucial; hitting it with a Pal Sphere before the beeping concludes prevents a detonation. For those unable to catch it in time, a well-timed dodge roll can minimize damage.
Beegarde’s AbilitiesÂ
Beegarde proves to be a versatile companion with an impressive array of Work Suitabilities:
- Planting 1
- Handiwork 1
- Lumbering 1
- Medicine Production 1
- Gathering 1
- Transporting 2
- Farming 1
These capabilities empower them to perform various essential tasks around the base. However, their standout Partner Skill lies in honey production when stationed at a base with a Ranch. The perpetual production of honey, a non-spoiling food item, becomes a valuable resource for sustaining both the player and their Pals.
Where to Find and Catch Elizabee
Mirroring the elusive nature of Beegarde, Elizabee frequents areas where Beegarde can be found. However, only one Elizabee will be present in any given area. Players should meticulously search the surroundings when spotting Beegarde roaming to locate the regal Queen.
Alternatively, players seeking a more challenging encounter can find Elizabee as a World Boss between the fast travel points “Lake Center” and “Mount Flopie Summit.” Accessing this formidable opponent requires locating the entrance to the Devout’s Mineshaft. While tougher than their wild counterparts, capturing this boss-level Elizabee comes with substantial rewards.
Prepare for a tough battle, as Elizabee employs dangerous Grass Element attacks. Learning Air Cannon and Poison Blast further enhances their combat prowess. Clearing out the accompanying Beegarde is essential before engaging Elizabee, ensuring a focused and effective battle.
Elizabee’s AbilitiesÂ
While lacking the Transporting and Farming Work Suitabilities of Beegarde, Elizabee compensates with heightened levels of Handiwork, Gathering, Planting, and Medicine Production (all at level 2). This makes her an invaluable Pal around the base, contributing to essential tasks just like Beegarde. However, Elizabee does not produce honey like her counterpart.
In combat, Elizabee’s Partner Skill shines brightly, elevating her stats based on the number of Beegarde in the party. This stacking stat bonus proves instrumental in overcoming formidable opponents, though caution is advised when facing Fire Element enemies.