Is Pokémon Scarlet and Violet your game? Then this guide is just for you. Here we will discuss how one can evolve Feebas into Milotic, without having to do anything much. The steps are basic, but you have to be honest while performing them, as there ain’t no workarounds really. On that note, let us begin.
What does Feebas evolve into in Scarlet and Violet?
If you are evolving Feebas in Scarlet and Violet, the result would be a Milotic. Yes, a Milotic. Although most of you must already be familiar with these Pokémons, let us still take you through their natures and characteristics once again to hold it all together. Feebas is known to be a scrungly fish, which will now be converted into a beautiful serpent – Milotic. Milotic here is not just known for its strengths, but largely for its beauty and how pretty it looks in front of most Pokémons in the game.
How does Feebas evolve into Milotic?
If Feebas has to be evolved into Milotic, then a trade has to take place. And this trade can only happen when Feebas is holding the Prism Scale. Therefore, we need to locate both Feebas and the Prism Scale in order for the exchange to take place in the game and you get Milotic in return.
Where to get Feebas and the Prism Scale?
To locate these two is the first and foremost step towards getting the evolution done perfectly. Therefore, one has to find them both in the game. Let us discuss how we can find them individually at different locations –
Looking for Feebas? Do this –
Go to the top of the mountain in Kitakami and then find the cave towards the southeast of it. Get inside and jump in the Crystal Pool located there. Fall through the second hole in the water and Feebas will still be further down. Although you may spot other Pokémons roaming around more freely, since you are looking for Feebas, you will have to look a little better. They are often under the water, and you need to approach them yourself. Once you do so, they do not shy away but cooperate and you can have them then.
Prism Scale
Register the required number of Pokémons in the Kitakami Pokedox and then you can have your Prism Scale.
How can I finally evolve Feebas in Scarlet and Violet?
Now that you have both Feebas and the Prism Scale, you can finally evolve Feebas into Milotic. If you own a Nintendo online subscription, then you can possibly trade with anyone while Feebas holds the Prism Scale. If not, you find the people who are ready to swap using the code “03490349”. This will get you the people who are ready for the trade, and you can finally have your Milotic.
That is simply how you can evolve Milotic and add it to your flawless collection. This can be great fun as it is one of the most beautiful Pokémons in the game that people are just crazy for.