Hisuian Sneasel and its evolution, Sneasler, are two variations of the Gen 2 Pokémon that made their debut in Pokémon GO during the Season of Go, alongside other Hisuian variants such as Hisuian Growlithe and Hisuian Qwilfish. These dual-fighting and Poison-type Pokémon have a unique evolution method in Pokémon GO. Here’s a guide on how to obtain Hisuian Sneasel and evolve it into Sneasler.

Obtaining Hisuian Sneasel in Pokémon GO
The first appearance of Hisuian Sneasel in Pokémon GO was during the Hisuian Discoveries event, which started on Wednesday, July 27, 2022. During this event, the only way to obtain Hisuian Sneasel is by hatching 7km eggs. It’s important to note that you must collect the eggs during the Hisuian Discoveries event hours to have a chance of hatching this Sneasel variant.
Keep in mind that Hisuian Sneasel is just one of the possible rewards from 7km eggs during the Hisuian Discoveries event. Other Pokémon such as Hisuian Growlithe, Hisuian Voltorb, and Hisuian Qwilfish are also part of the 7km egg pool during this event. You have until Tuesday, August 2 at 8 pm (local time) to collect eggs that might contain a Hisuian Sneasel.
To obtain 7km eggs, you’ll need to open gifts from your friends, as these gifts have a chance to contain 7km eggs. Just ensure that you have enough space in your egg inventory to receive the eggs. You may have to hatch multiple Hisuian Sneasel or use Pinap Berries while encountering regular Sneasel in the wild, from research tasks, or one-star Raids to gather enough candy to evolve it into Sneasler, following the unique evolution method described below.
Evolving Hisuian Sneasel into Sneasler in Pokémon GO
To evolve Hisuian Sneasel into Sneasler, you need to collect 100 Sneasel Candy. Once you have enough candy, set Hisuian Sneasel as your buddy Pokémon and walk for 7km. Only after walking this distance with Hisuian Sneasel as your buddy will you be able to evolve it into Sneasler.
If you want to complete your Pokédex with every Hisuian Pokémon, you’ll need to gather enough Hisuian Sneasel Candy to achieve this evolution. The Hisuian Discoveries event provides the best opportunity to obtain the required candy. Fortunately, Hisuian Sneasel requires the same amount of candy as a regular Sneasel, so you might already have enough to evolve it. If not, as mentioned earlier, there are several ways to acquire Sneasel candy during the Hisuian Discoveries event:
- Hatch Hisuian Sneasel from 7km eggs.
- Catch regular Sneasel in the wild (using a Pinap Berry grants extra candy).
- Complete the ‘Hatch an Egg’ field research task obtained from PokéStops.
- Set a Sneasel or Hisuian Sneasel as your buddy Pokémon.
Can Hisuian Sneasel be Shiny in Pokémon GO?
If you’re an avid collector of Shiny Pokémon, you may be disappointed to learn that the Shiny version of Hisuian Sneasel is currently unavailable in the game. However, it’s important to note that Pokémon are often introduced in their standard forms first, with Shiny versions added at a later date. As more events are scheduled in the future, we can expect to receive more information about the availability of Shiny Sneasel. For now, during the Hisuian Discoveries event, you’ll only be able to catch the standard Hisuian Sneasel.
In conclusion, capturing and evolving Hisuian Sneasel in Pokémon Go required active participation in the Hisuian Discoveries event. By hatching 7km eggs collected during the event, players had the chance to obtain Hisuian Sneasel. Evolving it into Sneasler involved collecting enough Sneasel Candy, setting Hisuian Sneasel as the buddy Pokémon, and walking 7km. While Shiny versions of Hisuian Sneasel were not available during the event, future opportunities may arise to catch its Shiny form. Best of luck in your pursuit of Hisuian Sneasel and its evolution, Sneasler!