Fallout 4, a masterpiece crafted by Bethesda Game Studios, immerses players into a post-apocalyptic world, ten years following the narrative of Fallout 3. As the protagonist, your journey through the Commonwealth in pursuit of your kidnapped son is fraught with challenges and allies alike. Among these allies are companions, individuals who accompany you on your quest, offering support and camaraderie. However, equipping these companions with power armor has posed a dilemma for players, as removing it seemed elusive. Fear not, for this guide elucidates the simple steps to extricate your companion from their power armor in Fallout 4.

Understanding the Dynamics
Before delving into the method, it’s imperative to grasp the dynamics of power armor utilization by companions. While wearing power armor, companions exhibit a different interaction menu, replacing the traditional Relationship button with the option to Exit Power Armor. This alteration facilitates a seamless transition for companions to disembark from their armored encasement.
Step-by-Step Guide
- Engage with your companion: Initiate interaction by clicking on your companion to prompt a dialogue or issue commands. This action prompts the interaction menu to appear, enabling further engagement.
- Dialogue Interaction: Initiate dialogue with your companion to access a plethora of options. Among these options lies the crucial command to Exit Power Armor. Select this option to prompt your companion to disengage from their power armor.
- Witness the Transition: Upon selecting the Exit Power Armor command, observe as your companion gracefully vacates the confines of their power armor. This process ensures a smooth transition, allowing your companion to resume their duties unencumbered by the weighty armor.
- Utilize the Armor: With your companion liberated from their power armor, the once obscured Relationship button reverts to its original functionality. Seize this opportune moment to reclaim the power armor for your own use, enhancing your survivability amidst the treacherous Commonwealth.
Additional Tips
- Proximity Interaction: In the event of uncertainty regarding the button prompts on your console, simply stand in close proximity to your companion. This action prompts the Talk option to manifest beneath the interaction menu, alleviating any ambiguity regarding engagement.
- Strategic Utilization: Consider the strategic implications of equipping your companion with power armor, particularly within the perilous confines of the Commonwealth. Empowering your companion with this formidable arsenal affords you a tactical advantage against the myriad adversaries that populate the wasteland.
Mastering the art of disengaging companions from power armor in Fallout 4 is pivotal to optimizing your gameplay experience. By adhering to the aforementioned steps and leveraging the insights provided, you can seamlessly liberate your companion from their armored exoskeleton, fostering camaraderie and enhancing strategic prowess. Embrace the challenges of the Commonwealth with confidence, knowing that you possess the knowledge to navigate its intricacies with finesse.