Mew, the enigmatic and mythical Pokemon, holds a special place in the hearts of Pokemon enthusiasts. As the first mythical Pokemon to grace the Pokemon series, capturing Mew in Pokemon GO is a coveted achievement. This guide will navigate you through the intricate process of obtaining Mew, breaking down the Mythical Discovery Special Research tasks and revealing tips and tricks along the way.

Unraveling the Mythical Discovery Special Research: To embark on the journey to capture Mew, players must undertake the Mythical Discovery Special Research. This series of tasks encompasses various challenges, each rewarding diligent trainers with an opportunity to encounter the elusive Mew. The absence of a time limit provides flexibility, but completing the tasks promptly ensures a quicker rendezvous with Mew.
Step 1: Starting the Journey
The initial step requires players to spin 10 Pokestops, catch 5 Pokemon, and transfer 5 Pokemon. Completing these straightforward tasks rewards players with 1500 EXP, one incubator, three lures, and 10 Great Balls – setting the foundation for the quest ahead.
Step 2: Hurdles and Rewards
Moving forward, players must achieve 10 Great Throws, hatch three eggs, and gain two candies while walking with their buddy. The reward for conquering these challenges includes 3000 EXP, 2000 stardust, 20 Great Balls, and three incense, moving trainers further into the Mythical Discovery questline.
Step 3: Leveling Up
Advancing to Step 3 demands reaching Level 15, participating in two Raid Battles, and engaging in battles at two Gyms. Successfully navigating these tasks results in a reward of 4500 EXP, two star pieces, one Quick TM, and one ChargeTM, adding to a trainer’s arsenal for the challenges ahead.
Step 4: Evolution and Medals
The fourth step involves evolving 20 Pokemon, earning a Silver Kanto Medal, and gaining three candies while walking with a buddy. Triumphing over these challenges grants trainers 6000 EXP, 4000 Stardust, 20 Great Balls, and three Lures, this step marks significant progress in the Mythical Discovery.
Silver Kanto Medal: To obtain a Silver Kanto Medal, trainers must catch and register 50 Kanto Pokemon to the Pokedex, showcasing or showing off their efforts in completing the special research.
Step 5: Ghosts and Dittos
The subsequent challenges entail performing 20 Great Throws, catching 10 Ghost-Type Pokemon, and finding and catching a Ditto. Overcoming these hurdles rewards trainers with 7500 EXP, 15 Revives, one Lucky Egg, and one Premium Raid Pass – further enriching their inventory.
Step 6: Leveling Up, Again
Step 6 necessitates reaching Level 25, participating in 10 Raid Battles, and finding, catching, and evolving a Magikarp. This time-consuming set of tasks yields a generous reward of 9000 EXP, 6000 Stardust, five Rare Candy, and three Incense, pushing trainers closer to the ultimate goal.
Step 7: Berry BlissÂ
The closing step requires catching 50 Pokemon while using a Berry, earning a Kanto Gold Medal, and performing one Excellent Curved Throw. Successful completion unlocks rewards of 10,500 EXP, 8000 Stardust, 20 Ultra Balls, and a Mythical Pokemon Encounter, heralding the final stage.
Gold Kanto Medal: To achieve a Gold Kanto Medal, trainers must catch and register 100 Kanto Pokemon for the Pokedex. This medal serves the dual purpose of demonstrating a full mastery of the Kanto region and showing off your hard work to friends.
Step 8: Finishing touches
Capturing Mew Finally, the culmination of the Mythical Discovery Special Research ends with the capture of the legendary Mew. Trainers achieving this goal receive not only Mew but also a substantial reward of 40,000 EXP, 10,000 Stardust, 20 Mew Candy, and one Super Incubator, a testament to their perseverance and skill.
By diligently completing the Mythical Discovery Special Research tasks, trainers can add the mythical Pokemon to their collection, earning substantial rewards along the way. Set out on this adventure and solidify your place as a Pokemon Master in the Kanto region and amongst your Pokemon GO buddies.