In Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Zombies, the Wrath of the Ancients bow is a powerful weapon that can be upgraded into one of four elemental bows. These upgrades, available in the Der Eisendrache map, enhance the bow’s damage and add unique effects. Here’s a guide to acquiring the Wrath of the Ancients and upgrading it to the Storm, Fire, Wolf, or Void bows.

Getting the Wrath of the Ancients Bow
To begin, you need to unlock the Wrath of the Ancients, the base bow. This requires feeding three dragon heads located around the map. Each dragon must be “fed” by killing zombies nearby. Once a sufficient number of zombies have been killed, the dragon will turn to stone and disintegrate. After all three dragons are satisfied, the Wrath of the Ancients bow will appear in a hidden room next to a knight’s tomb.
Storm Bow Upgrade
The Storm Bow is an electrifying upgrade that can summon lightning storms with its charged shots, wiping out large groups of zombies in seconds.
- Activate the Death Ray: Go to the Death Ray in the courtyard and activate it. This will reveal a weather vane that you must shoot with the Wrath of the Ancients bow to obtain a special arrow that begins the Storm quest.
- Shoot the Bonfires: Next, you need to find and shoot three specific bonfires around the map. They are located outside of the playable area, so aim carefully and adjust for distance.
- Wall-Run the Symbols: Head to the pyramid room and activate anti-gravity by stepping on the pressure plates. Wall-run over five blue symbols on the walls without touching the ground. Once complete, move on to the next task.
- Charge the Urns: You’ll now need to charge three urns by killing zombies near them. These urns are located at different points around the map, and each requires a certain number of kills to be fully charged.
- Shoot the Bonfires Again: Using the charged arrows from the urns, shoot the bonfires once more to electrify them. Once this is done, head back to the weather vane and interact with it to complete the upgrade and claim the Storm Bow.
Fire Bow Upgrade
The Fire Bow, also known as the Kreeaho’ahm nal Ahmhogaroc, is another powerful elemental upgrade. Its charged shots create fiery explosions that burn zombies.
- Shoot the Fireball: Go to the Rocket Launch site and wait for the rocket test to begin. After the test, shoot a red fireball in the sky. This will start the Fire Bow upgrade quest.
- Activate Ritual Circles: Find three ritual circles on the map and use launch pads to shoot arrows at them. Each successful hit will light up the circle.
- Charge the Circles: Stand within the lit ritual circles and kill zombies to charge them with fire energy.
- Bunny-Hop to the Fireplace: Next, locate the fireplace associated with your quest. You must hop from one ritual circle to another using arrows, creating a path that leads to the fireplace. This step requires precision, as you only have four arrows to complete the task.
- Complete the Upgrade: Once the fireplace is hit, head to the pyramid room and charge the Fire Bow by killing zombies. When fully charged, the Fire Bow is yours.
Wolf Bow Upgrade
The Wolf Bow, also referred to as the Kreeholo lu Kreemasaleet, summons spirit wolves to assist you in battle. It’s a visually stunning and highly effective weapon.
- Find and Interact with Paintings: Start by interacting with four specific paintings found around the map. These paintings feature two wolves and must be activated in the correct order. If you choose the wrong one, a buzzer will sound, and you’ll need to restart.
- Retrieve the Skull: After completing the paintings, go to the Rocket Launch site and shoot a flag to drop a skull. Take this skull back to the pyramid room.
- Follow the Wolf: Summon the wolf by placing the skull in a chest. The wolf will lead you to several locations where it will dig. Kill zombies near these spots to charge the wolf with their souls.
- Shoot Through the Wall: Once the wolf stops near a wall and looks up, activate anti-gravity and fire an arrow through a crack in the wall. A new platform will appear, allowing you to retrieve the upgraded arrow.
- Claim the Wolf Bow: As usual, the final step is to charge the bow by killing zombies in the pyramid room. Once fully charged, the Wolf Bow is ready for use.
Void Bow Upgrade
The Void Bow, or Kreema’ahm la Ahmahm, creates dark energy blasts that trap and kill zombies within black holes.
- Shoot the Wall Symbol: Start by shooting a symbol on the wall near the main gate of the castle. This unlocks the Void Bow quest.
- Collect Skulls: Find and collect six skulls scattered around the map. Place them in a ritual circle to summon the keepers’ souls.
- Solve the Puzzle: The keepers will present you with symbols that must be matched to specific items around the map. Once you match all the symbols correctly, the next step begins.
- Charge the Void Bow: Head to the pyramid room and charge the Void Bow by killing zombies near it. Once complete, the Void Bow becomes available for use.