In “The First Descendant,” void shards are an essential material that are needed for a variety of upgrades and the creation of superior gear. The game has improved and included new techniques to make getting Void Shards easier and more satisfying with the 2024 update. In The First Descendant, you could stumble across Void Fusion Reactors, which are gadgets that set off rewarding combat sequences, while exploring the battlefields. Additionally, you might discover that you can’t get them to start. That’s because these kinds of open-world events require the use of resources called Void Shards, which you must obtain. Although obtaining Void Shards can be a little tricky, farming these things is fortunately not difficult at all. This will involve the element of the character you’re using in The First Descendant, so be mindful of who you have available and the map you’re playing on. The whole walkthrough for obtaining Void Shards in “The First Descendant” in 2024 can be found here.
- How To Get The First Descendant’s Void Shards?
- You must locate and eliminate Void Fragments, which resemble pillar-like structures and are present on several maps, including Kingston in The First Descendant, in order to obtain Void Shards. You must employ the abilities of a descendant whose element matches the requirements of the fragment in order to eliminate Void Fragments. Hovering over the Void Fragment’s icon on your map will reveal which element the fragment is weak to. The tooltip has a part that shows the element you need to crack open the fragment directly above the Main Rewards section. Because the Void Fragment in Kingston is weak against Non-Attribute, only characters who are The First Descendant like Ajax may destroy it. To start a public event, get closer to the fragment and use an offensive skill to strike it. Enemy waves will appear, and to remove the invulnerability shield on the Void Fragment, you must defeat a certain amount of foes. After the shield is removed, use your abilities to strike the piece once again. Continue doing this until it is destroyed. The benefit of this is that you may participate in these Void Fragment events alongside other players, which is excellent if you’re utilising an Electric ability damage-dealing character like Bunny.
Performing High-Level Tasks
One way to get Void Shards is mostly through high-level missions. The 2024 update has redesigned and added new missions, making them both more difficult and more rewarding.
- Abyssal Expeditions: These are missions in the endgame when players must battle waves of strong adversaries. When these expeditions are finished, participants receive a large number of Void Shards.
- Elite Hunts: Hunt down scatted high-tier opponents that are particular to you. Void Shards are now more likely to drop from Elite Hunts, particularly if they are carried out efficiently.
Taking Part in Occasions
Event-based events in the game often award Void Shards as prizes. These activities range in style from timed competitions to group-driven goals.
- Seasonal activities: Take part in activities that correspond with holidays in real life or anniversaries of games. Exclusive missions with Void Shard prizes are frequently offered during these events.
- Weekly Challenges: The developers provide weekly challenges that you can complete to earn a significant quantity of Void Shards. Your gaming talents will be put to the test in a number of ways by these challenges.
Invasion and Chief Battles
One of the most exciting methods to obtain Void Shards is through boss fights and raids. To make these fights more engaging and rewarding, the 2024 update added new bosses and improved raid dynamics.
- Bosses of the World: Fight against bosses of the world that appear periodically. When these bosses are defeated, a sizable quantity of Void Shards are dropped.
- Group Raids: To take on group raids, assemble a squad of friends or other players. The game requires strategy and coordination to succeed, and winning awards a sizable quantity of Void Shards.
Mining and Exploration of Resources
Finding Void Shards may also result from exploring the game world. The game’s universe has grown with the 2024 update, which added new regions ready for discovery.
- Void Rifts: New environmental elements known as “Void Rifts” are where Void Shards can be found and collected. Players must kill guardian creatures or solve riddles to get the shards from randomly appearing Void Rifts.
- Secret Caches: There are secret caches full with Void Shards strewn all over the place. These caches are frequently hidden behind environmental puzzles or in difficult-to-reach areas.
Exchange and Handicrafting
The 2024 update has improved the trading and crafting systems, providing additional chances to acquire Void Shards.
- NPC Trades: In exchange for other uncommon materials, certain NPCs are now willing to trade Void Shards check back frequently to see what’s available since these trades tend to rotate.
- Crafting Recipes: New crafting recipes have been released that produce Void Shards using everyday materials. To create Void Shards, gather the required supplies and utilise the crafting stations.
Premium Pass and the in-game store
Void Shards are still available through the in-game store and VIP pass, with some new additions in the 2024 update.
- Daily Rewards: The game’s reward system allows you to get Void Shards by logging in every day and doing certain chores.
- Premium Pass: Getting the premium pass gives you access to special tasks and prizes, such as an endless supply of Void Shards.
In summary
The 2024 update for “The First Descendant” has given players even more options for obtaining Void Shards, making it possible for both experienced and novice players to amass this essential resource. There are other ways to get Void Shards and improve your gameplay, including difficult quests, thrilling events, and cunning trade and crafting. Enter the game and explore the new content, and start collecting those Void Shards today!