In an attempt to convince people to link documents with their Aadhar Card, the government has initiated a drive to link Aadhar with a ration card. The ration card is a government-issued document that is the oldest proof of residence used in India. Linking it with your Aadhar will help result in you receiving a wide range of benefits, such as the obvious advantage of preventing cases of fraud. The linking of Aadhar with ration can be done using both online and offline methods.
Online methodÂ
- Head to the official web portal of Aadhar Card, which is the UIDAI webpage.
- Click on the option that reads “Start now.”
- Enter any details regarding your address, such as your district and state.
- When it comes to “Benefit type,” you will be shown a list of options. Choose “Ration card.”
- Select the scheme name as “Ration card.”
- Type in your ration card number, Aadhar card number, e-mail address, and phone number.
- A one-time password (OTP) will be sent to your mobile number in the form of an SMS. You will have to enter it in the form.
- After you type in the OTP, you will get a notification on your phone that will inform you of the completion of your application process.
- After this, your application will be verified. After the successful verification of your application, your Aadhar card will be linked to your ration card.
Offline methodÂ
- Go to the closest Public Distribution System (PDS) Centre or Ration Shop.
- When you visit the centre, carry with you photocopies of the Aadhar card of both you and all your family members, a passport-sized photo of the head of the family, and your ration card.
- If your bank account is still not linked with your Aadhar card, you will need to submit a copy of your passbook.
- Provide all the relevant documents to the administrator at the PDS shop along with a copy of your Aadhar card number.
- You will be requested to submit biometric details – your fingerprints – for verification for your Aadhaar authentication.
- After submission of all your relevant documents, an SMS notification will be sent to the registered mobile number in your Aadhaar. You will receive another SMS notification after the successful linking of both documents.