Although WoW has come to include many currencies, gold is still the most important one. It is required for many in-game conveniences. You can save yourself a lot of trouble by buying gear, consumables, materials, or cosmetics with gold instead of trying to get those things yourself. Also, large amounts of gold are absolutely necessary if you wish to interact with the MMORPG’s player-driven economy. Making gold may seem easy, as you can get some from nearly every quest or monster in the game. However, making a lot of money is a different story. Keep reading to learn about the best goldmaking methods as of the Shadowlands expansion, along with their pros and cons.
Playing the Auction House is by far the most effective means of making gold. If you can master flipping (buying low and selling high), you will be able to make an enormous fortune in little time. There are many types of items that you can try to flip, including crafting materials, consumables, gear, and cosmetics from legacy content. Yet, this method has many downsides as well. It takes a considerable investment of gold to get started. You will have to invest your time and attention as well, researching server price dynamics and coming up with trading strategies. While some find it both fun and profitable, trading full-time is definitely not for everyone.
Using professions for goldmaking is closely related to trading, since you are still going to be selling through the Auction House. The difference is that you will be focusing on your own goods. Helping create Legendary items is a key source of professional income. Blacksmiths, Leatherworkers, and Tailors furnish base items, while Inscribers sell the Missives that determine secondary stat bonuses. Enchanters and Alchemists provide enhanced materials for Legendary crafting, but also have a wide range of other goods such as consumables, granting them a decisive goldmaking edge. Being able to sell their potions just before raid night puts Alchemists ahead of other crafting professions.
Gathering professions such as Skinning or Herbalism enjoy a distinct advantage over the crafting professions above. They are much easier and cheaper to get into. Once you have the skills and the tools, all you need to do is spend time harvesting resources and selling them to crafters. Although Miners and Herbalists can find more demand for their materials due to their wider uses, Skinners can combine harvesting with regular farming more easily, saving their players time. Even after the best Skinning nodes have been nerfed, it remains very lucrative.
You do not have to rely on trading to make gold. Completing quests can be quite lucrative as well with the right approach. For a regular income, you should farm the latest World Quests. They are repeatable, simple, and offer worthwhile rewards. Better yet, complete Covenant Callings. Those daily quests involve fighting enemies and completing quests (including World Quests) in different parts of the Shadowlands. On top of the rewards collected from all of those activities, you will receive a tribute chest containing items you can sell to NPCs for a hefty profit.
Completed Callings also improve your reputation with one of the endgame factions, such as the Court of Harvesters. Once you have reached Exalted standing, every 10,000 reputation you gain with such a faction will grant you a Paragon Chest, which also contains rich rewards. Reputation farming might not be worth it by itself, but combined with other World Quest benefits, it can be quite rewarding. Event bonuses and Contracts would help by speeding up reputation gains, making this goldmaking method more efficient.
Finally, the Adventure Command Table you can put in your Covenant’s Sanctum offers another comparatively easy way to make money. While the rewards from individual adventures may seem unimpressive at first glance, they constitute a reliable and mostly passive income. All you will need to do is unlock companions by freeing them from Torghast or raising Renown, and assign effective tactics. The missions will complete by themselves, yielding gold and items you can sell. Depending on your needs, that may be enough, or it could augment other revenue streams.
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