If you’re looking for ways on how to make money with audible, this article is for you. You can make money on Audible by becoming an affiliate. All you have to do is share an affiliate link and your referrals will sign up for a free trial. When they successfully sign up, you’ll earn $15. Each month, you can expect to make this money. This passive income stream is great for anyone who is looking to earn extra cash. The best part is that you don’t even need to sell anything!
Create an audiobook
There are a number of ways to create an audiobook and make money with it. You can use the Amazon audiobook service to make this happen, as well as turn your books into audiobooks. To begin the process, you need to create a title profile, where you will enter information such as your book’s title, category, description, and copyright information. You may also choose to narrate your own books.
Social media is the most important platform for marketing since it is easy to use and has millions of users. You can hashtag ideas and share posts to gain more exposure. There are endless ways to market your audiobook on social media, and engaging with your fans is crucial to its success. To get the most out of your audiobook, make sure to take full advantage of the platforms available to you.
Sell your audiobook on Audible
You can sell your audiobook on Audible to make money if you follow the right steps. The price of an audiobook is higher than that of the digital version. This is because audiobooks have different cost-generating factors than digital publishing. For example, the average novel is 70,000-120,000 words, which translates to 10-20 hours of narration. Those costs, including post-production time, equipment, and other costs, will heavily influence the selling price of your audiobook.
Audible has different rules for ACX authors than the traditional publishing industry. For one, authors cannot offer their books for free and all pricing is set by Audible. For audiobooks, ACX authors cannot offer free books. And because audiobooks are exclusive, Audible has the final say on the retail price of your audiobook. In return, you’ll get 40 percent of retail sales, whereas non-ACX authors earn only 25 percent of the royalty rate.
Promote your audiobook
To maximize sales, try to time this with paid advertisements or promotional events. You can also record bonus content to use in your marketing efforts. As an author, you likely already have access to the necessary equipment and a potential narrator.
Aside from boosting retailer pages, it is also a good idea to use social media to spread the word about your new audiobook. Make sure to mention the link to your Amazon author page on your website. Authors can also share posts on their newsletter and social media pages. This will create buzz about their new audiobooks. You should also use affiliate links on your website, so people can click on those links to purchase the audiobook.
Get paid to narrate
If you want to get paid to narrate audiobooks, it may be a good idea to network. This can help you gain valuable knowledge about the industry, and pitch potential gigs to professionals. You can join online groups and networking events sponsored by the Audio Publishers Association, which feature other voice actors in the industry.
If you have a strong voice and good acting abilities, you can start making money as a narrator with audiobooks. While this may seem like a simple task, you will need to research the audiobook industry and its various types of narration. In addition, you need to be professional and courteous. It is important to remember that you will be representing the company and its products, so you should prepare beforehand and communicate with them.