Who doesn’t like updates? Everyone does. Nintendo Switch games developers pay attention to their beloved gamers as well. From providing free online updates to adding major new features in some of the updates, the developers surely know how to keep up their side of the bar. The regular updates keep the games bug-free and regulate with the latest of features. But, are you making sure that your Nintendo switch games are updated regularly? Below are some methods to make sure that your games are always updated to the latest.
1. Is your Auto-Update on?
The Nintendo Switch with its auto-update feature ‘ON’ tends to automatically scan the system for updates and install them when connected with the internet. If you are somehow missing out on updates, here’s how to make sure that your, this particular feature is active.
Starting, select the gear icon to land on the system settings on the home screen of your Nintendo Switch.
On the appeared screen, you will find the system toggle on the left side. Select it and navigate to the option of ‘Auto-Update Software’ and switch it ‘ON’ if it is ‘OFF’
Your feature is now at work saving you from lagging in updates than your other fellow gamers. However, if you find the feature overwhelming, you can always research for the updates manually.
2. Launch the game to know about the available updates.
As we talked about manually checking for the updates, out of some of the ways to check it, here is number 1.
This method is pretty easy and all you need is to launch the game you want to play or check updates for.
Next, with an internet connection, it is expected that you will receive an update pop-up requesting you to update the game. However, if the pop-up does not come up, no need to worry because your game is already its latest version.
3. Checking game update from the menu
The above method is not only long and monotonous but demands labor as well. Thus, this another method to check for updates manually can come in handy definitely.
All you need to do is navigate to the options menu.to do so, place your cursor on top of your chosen game. Then select the + sign to launch the software Options screen. Search for the “Software Update” drop-down menu and opt for “via The Internet.”
In the case of the availability of updates, the download will begin on its own. While on the contrary case, the message will pop informing the user of already using the latest version.
The progress of the update can be checked on the status bar below the game icon. Once the game is updated, you are free to launch and play.
4. Updates without internet
In its version 4.0.0, Nintendo System Software launched an alternative for manual update under which it made sure that two or more people playing games using any local communication remain on the same version of the game. The feature is known as, “Match Version with Local Users”.
As done in the last method, the user needs to reach the software update menu and select “Match Version with Local Users”.
You might now see a screen with three people playing, click on ‘Next’
An important step is that all the other switch users choose the “join group” option on the screen in options. The user needs to either create or join a group for updating. When everyone joins the group creator needs to click on “start communication”
As the name suggests, the feature will update the necessary player’s software to match others.