The lawmen of Hyderabad’s Cyber-crime department have sent a note to the global tech titan Google appealing to the company to eliminate 221 loan apps that are found to be illegitimate and fraudulent from its Play Store app.
The Cyber-crime department of the Hyderabad police received a number of grievances from people complaining about badgering and defrauding by loan applications they have been using online. Thereafter, the Cyber-crime squad recognized a number of fraud applications, especially on the Google Play Store.
As per the crime department, a probe was carried out into a number of loan app actions after which it was found that 221 apps available on the Play store are illegitimate. Several of these 221 were also found to be false after a comprehensive authentication of a number of these applications.
An officer at a higher rank in the Hyderabad Cyber-crime branch said that these developers are setting up such illicit and bogus applications and putting them on the Play store from where innocent individuals install them on their mobiles assuming these apps to be bona fide.
Taking a safety measure, the Hyderabad Cyber-crime branch informed them about the facts related to the illegitimate loan apps to the tech giant 2 days earlier. It detailed the apprehensions that why the tech giant should take a step to eliminate those apps from the Play store. Before this, the Cyber-crime branch had recognized a few illicit and false apps that did not abide by the RBI’s laws and policies and appeared the tech giant to eliminate those applications from the Play store. The Cyber-crime team will keep on recognizing such false and illegal applications available on the platform and will bring them to the notice of the administration of Google, the officer at the higher rank added further.
The establishment of the Telangana Cyber Crime Coordination Centre was done in the mid of June of, the previous year. It is operated by the officers of the Telangana police. Until now the Cyber-crime team of the state has achieved to grasp ₹ 15.47 crore that was received from the residents of Telangana via several kinds of online scams. From the time of its foundation, the Cyber-crime branch of the state has been working continuously and acknowledges every single complaint being registered in the department.
Within seconds of a case being registered in the Cyber-crime branch, the branch follows up with legal officers, and the scammed capital is favorably kept back by holding up the suspect’s bank account, the senior officer said.