IBM Consulting claims that they “focus on outcomes, not activities” and “won’t penalise employees for working remotely.”
Three days a week, IBM Consulting has requested its staff members in India to work remotely. Employees won’t be penalised, though, if they are unable to report to work, it was stated.
Employees won’t be penalised if they are unable to report to work, according to the IBM Consulting Return to Workplace Playbook FAQs, since “as we transition to a hybrid work model, we appreciate the value of balancing both your work and home life.”
The business explained in its recently published return-to-office guidelines that, if possible, it finds value in a hybrid strategy of working both remotely and in person with clients.
The business added that it wants to meet the pandemic’s unmet demand and make up for missed possibilities in the “remote-only world.”
Because we see part of what we lost in a remote-only society, we want to address the pent-up demand that we perceive resulting from the pandemic. Working together with more seasoned colleagues in person can inspire ideas, the kind of creative thinking for which we are renowned, and tacit learning for the upcoming generation of consultants. According to the IBM Consulting Return to Workplace Playbook FAQ, in-person time is also about developing long-lasting connections with customers and establishing trust.
According to IBM Consulting, the company’s strategy is centred on flexibility, allowing individual employees to choose when and how they want to work.
The strategy meets the needs of each team member as well as the group’s overall business requirements.
According to the statement, which was quoted by TOI, “Our focus remains on outcomes, not activities, and how work gets done as a team because that is a better barometer of how people are helping the business.”
IBM Consulting on the hybrid work model: “Our focus on outcome, not activities; won’t penalise employees for working remotely.”