Most of us associate “searching the Internet” with Google. Currently Google almost monopolizes Internet searches, but there are still some of the old search engines that continue to be used by users.
For more than a decade, in an attempt to tackle the Google monopoly, “Bing” (Microsoft’s search engine) and “Yahoo!” They decided to merge their search and advertising systems. The goal was to present more competition to Google. Have they succeeded? The answer is no, but it varies by country. For example, in the United States, according to the latest data, this union has 30% of the market share for searches.Â
If we look at the data for India, the number of Internet users who use Google as their main search engine is 95% and rises to 99% if they do so from mobile devices.
It is clear that Google has the largest market share and that it dominates SEO. Most companies optimize their websites solely for the king of engines. If you have a company, you will be interested in knowing how to position a website in the first places of Google.
How is SEO on Bing different from SEO on Google?
To assess the difficulty or not of positioning in Google compared to other search engines such as Bing, it is best to analyze the main differences between the two in relation to SEO positioning. You can also approach Grown Up Digital – SEO Company to get the search engine specific SEO strategies. However, below are the main 5 differences:
- Keywords
On the one hand, Google is working hard with ” semantic search “, based on machine learning and artificial intelligence to understand the internal content of a page. The objective is to offer the user the search results, more in line with their intention. That is, in addition to taking into account the keywords, it gives importance to the context in which they are used.
On the other hand, in Bing, which is not as advanced as Google in terms of semantic search, it is recommended to include specific keywords. Use simple keywords that exactly match the terms you are targeting in the user’s search results.
2. MetaKeyword
Google, several years ago, reported that it stopped taking into account the meta keyword tag (meta keyword) for SEO ranking.
On Bing, meta descriptions and keywords remain relevant and can (potentially) have a huge impact on search ranking.
3. Backlinks
Both Google and Bing consider backlinks as indications that users found content useful and that they trust the information that has been provided to them. The fact that this content is shared with other people is indicative of it.
Google measures that trust by taking into account the domain authority (the fairness of the link that flows through the backlinks) of the domains that link to content. Authority is so important that a single good link can be worth much more to Google than hundreds of links of medium or low quality.
Bing also values ​​high-quality links, but they judge quality slightly differently. It gives more authority to links coming from old domains and from domain extensions gov, .edu and .org.
3. Social networks
Google as a general rule, does not take into account most of the links that come out from social networks, in terms of transmission of authority. They are classified as “nofollow” and therefore I would not take them into account.
Bing, on the other hand, incorporates social networks into its SEO strategy. It regards it as a key ranking factor. If you are a company that is present in social networks and you want to position yourself in Bing, you will have to be very attentive to involve your audience. The fact of generating interactions in your social content, I like you, share or retweet, counts.
4. Multimedia content
When it comes to multimedia content searches, Bing has been ahead of Google for a while because for a few years it had the ability to accurately track and understand various types of multimedia content, such as video, audio and images.
Google, for its part, has worked hard and has made the tracking of multimedia content effective and therefore crucial also in terms of positioning and not only text-based content.
Now you know the main differences that we find when doing SEO in Google or Bing. But to know the difficulty of positioning in Google against the second search engine, one more aspect must be taken into account.
If as an entrepreneur you have a web page that you have just optimized for SEO, or has been created recently, Google will crawl and index it quickly . However, it may take a while for Bing to find and track it. To speed up this process with Bing, you must send them your sitemap, and you will have to send it to them each time you make an adjustment or modification on your website.
As you can see, SEO positioning in Google, apart from being faster than in other search engines, if you leave it in the hands of professionals who are up to date with the constant changes that Google makes, you will be able to access it in India, 95% of Internet users who have Google as their main search engine.
What are you waiting for to position your business on Google?