Although the Stock Exchange is not considered as a Federal institution still it has to close down on some historical days. These historical days have been followed for more than 150 years history of the US.
The historical days are recognized as Federal Institutional holidays and all the major operations of us Institutions are closed down on these holidays. one of the days on this historical day is December 26th.
So, this year on 26th December which is the day after Christmas Day, and Sunday which is accidentally Monday the US Stock Market will be closed down. Although this has not been any legal obligation on US Stock Exchange but this tradition has been followed for more than 150 years in the US so the US Stock Exchange follows this tradition as a part of the historical courtesy of institutions in the US.
What is the tradition of 12 Federal holidays?
Accidentally this year Christmas came on Sunday 25th December so many investors were confused if the next day that is 26 December will be considered a holiday or a working day for the US Stock Exchange. But it has can be traced out that for more than 150 years in the US and according to the lawmakers who made the federal policies in 1870, these Federal holidays were treated as institutional policy-making procedures.
Although these originally designed holidays were only like the Christmas holiday Thanksgiving holiday New Year holiday and one more was in July, but periodically with the next improvements in the federally recognized holiday’s procedure, these holidays were expanded up to twelve days with Juneteeth be added to it in the recent times.
The list of 12 holidays that were implemented this year from January are 17th was Martin Luther King’s juniors day then the 21st of February which is Presidents day. Then came the 15th of April Good Friday followed by the 13th of May the historic memorial day.
After this, juneteenth was introduced this year as a holiday on which June 19th and 29th are considered as holidays from recent times. The next is the 4th of July which is US Independence Day the next day 5th of September Labour Day followed by the 2nd of November which is Thanksgiving Day.
Along with the concern of the Christmas holiday, there has been a big question about the new years weekend holiday which has been on Saturday this year and it is is mentioned by the stock market executive that they would not be having the holiday on the new year nowhere in the closure for Limited hours of working into the stock market. in this manner, the bond market it will close at 2 p.m. on Saturday at is 31st of 2022.