Klaus Teuber, the creator of the iconic board game, The Settlers of Catan, passed away at the age of 70. The game, which was first introduced 28 years ago, has since become a worldwide phenomenon, with over 40 million copies sold and its popularity inspiring international tournaments and college intramural teams. The game has even been referenced in popular TV shows such as “South Park” and “Parks and Recreation” and inspired a novel. Catan GmbH, the publisher and licenser of the game, announced his death on their website, citing a short illness as the cause but did not disclose the location.
Teuber’s journey to creating one of the most beloved board games began when he was working in a stressful job as a manager at a dental lab. In his free time, he started designing games as a way to relax and unwind. He shared in an interview with Forbes in 2016 that he always had stories in his head and that he would read books and want to experience them as games.
Teuber’s first significant achievement in game design came with Barbarossa, which he created out of his love for the “Riddle-Master” trilogy by Patricia A. McKillip, a fantasy book series from the 1970s. He revealed to The New Yorker in 2014 that he was disappointed to see the trilogy come to an end and attempted to experience the story in a game.
The Settlers of Catan was the result of Teuber’s continued passion for game design. He created the game in 1995 and entered it into a competition, where it won first place. The game was later published by Kosmos, a German game company, and quickly gained popularity in Germany and Europe. The game’s popularity grew, and it was eventually published in the United States in 1996 by Mayfair Games. The game’s success in the United States was unprecedented, and it quickly became a hit.
The Settlers of Catan is a strategy game that takes place on an island made up of hexagonal tiles that represent different resources such as wood, brick, and sheep. Players must use these resources to build settlements, roads, and cities and compete against each other to accumulate victory points. The game’s unique mechanics and emphasis on negotiation and player interaction set it apart from other board games.
In addition to the success of The Settlers of Catan, Teuber was also known for his generosity and dedication to his fans. He would often attend gaming conventions and events to meet with fans and sign autographs. He even created a custom version of The Settlers of Catan for a fan who was battling cancer.
The legacy of Klaus Teuber and The Settlers of Catan will continue to inspire and bring joy to players for generations to come. The game’s success has spawned numerous spin-offs and adaptations, including a digital version and a card game. The Settlers of Catan has become a staple of modern board gaming and has introduced countless people to the hobby.
In conclusion, Klaus Teuber’s death at the age of 70 marks the loss of a legendary game designer whose work has brought joy and entertainment to millions of people worldwide. The Settlers of Catan will always stand as a testament to Teuber’s creativity, passion, and dedication to the gaming community.