The Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) is known to be a superconducting fusion device which among other names is also called the Korean artificial sun. It made it to the headlines today after setting up a new world record. Reportedly The Korean Artificial Sun was successfully able to maintain the high-temperature plasma for a span of 20 seconds along with an ion temperature for over 100 million degrees.
South Korean scientists created an artificial sun that hit 100 million degrees for 20 seconds.
— Strange Facts (@StrangeFactoid) December 26, 2020
Warm congratulations to “The KSTAR”, a superconducting fusion device also known as the Korean artificial sun, set the new world record as it succeeded in maintaining the high temperature plasma for 20 seconds with an ion temperature over 100 million degrees.
unlimited source.— sonali kamble (@KambleSona) December 29, 2020
Superconducting fusion device sets a new world record for maintaining high temps, up to 100 million degrees Celsius, for a record setting 20 seconds#sciencesaturday #plasmaphysics
— Wasatch Photonics (@WasatchPhotonic) December 26, 2020
The success story of Korean Artificial Sun
It was On November 24, 2020, that the KSTAR Research Center at the Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (KEF) reported that in a joint examination with the Seoul National University (SNU) and Columbia University of the United States, it prevailing in the persistent activity of plasma for 20 seconds with a particle temperature higher than 100 million degrees, which is one of the central states of atomic combination in the 2020 KSTAR Plasma Campaign.
It is an accomplishment to broaden the 8 second plasma activity time during the 2019 KSTAR Plasma Campaign on multiple occasions. It was in its 2018 investigation, the KSTAR arrived at the plasma particle temperature of 100 million degrees unexpectedly (maintenance time: about 1.5 seconds)
Korean artificial sun!#SouthKorea recently succeeded in registering a new world record by operating a #nuclear fusion reactor for 20 sec.
The temperature of the reactor’s core reached above 100 million degrees °C. !
South Korea aspires to operate its new reactor for 300 sec. +— Sherri (@MarwanSherri) December 28, 2020
Do you even comprehend how humans are gods through science?
We build a Sun hotter than the Sun right here in Planet Earth!
Imagine how every heart could have attention, care, pleasures and protection with abundant energy.
— Anonymous Sentinelæ (@sentinelaeux) December 29, 2020
We’re getting there… maybe we’re almost to the point where the “commercial fusion power is only 20 years away” line will FINALLY be true! // Korean artificial sun sets the new world record of 20-sec-long operation at 100 million degrees
— Frank W. Zammetti (@fzammetti) December 26, 2020
Breakthrough in use of “High Temperature Plasma” for nuclear fusion. Germans began similar research in the 1920s. W.O. Schumann used pressurized rotating HTP to propel Vril flying saucers & later the 3rd Reich’s Haunebu series. Old tech rediscovered:
— Michael Salla (@MichaelSalla) December 24, 2020