Before we begin, imagine a scenario. You have heard of an interesting topic that you felt like reading, but Alas! You have to reach your workplace on time. And you cannot read while you’re on the road. There are a lot of things that you have to be alert about. But then, the topic is so interesting that you really want to know about it. Hence, coming on with a solution to such a problem, the digital platforms worldwide introduced podcast apps.
What is a podcast?
Podcast apps are those applications that are very similar to news reading. In simple words, the topics you choose to read about will be read out for you instead. All you have to do is, log in to your favorite application and choose a podcast topic. The host will read the case and share everything related to it. Now, you may certainly plug in your earphones and listen to your favorite article and multitask.
Mark Cuban’s Solution –
However, podcasts have always faced one limitation with their release. The conversations have always been one-sided. This means the podcast’s host/creator speaks about the topic but cannot interact with its listeners.
But, a problem always comes with a solution. And the solution for this has been created by the billionaire businessman Mark Cuban. He is basically known for his appearance on the famous TV show Shark Tank to discuss and promote his business idea that stated the launch of a podcast application. The application is known as “fireside.” It helps the creators to interact live and monitor the chats of their fans and listeners. The application comes with built-in features that will enable the podcast’s creator to track the analytics. The analytics will tell the creator about how good or bad their content is doing.
The Fireside
Mr. Cuban and the co-founder of the application, Falon Fatemi, have decided to publicly launch the application this year and put it on mainstream digital platforms.
A source working on fireside stated that the application would attract genuine creators that the company wants to include in their podcast and entice the creators to various deals.
Upon getting a mail on “The verge” by Falcon Fatemi, that stated, and I quote.
” Today we say goodbye to current media platform limitations created by one-way conversations, a lack of interactivity, and non-existent analytics. We level the playing field by empowering creators based on what they have to say (not how loud they yell), and we give their ideas the reach to turn a single conversation into the seed of the next media empire.”
It is quite evident that the application is all set to compete and prove its mettle in the digital media platforms.
NEW: Mark Cuban is co-founding a podcast app and joining the live audio hype. the idea is podcasters can talk to fans live and monetize those convos. the app, called fireside, will launch this year
— Ashley Carman (@ashleyrcarman) February 8, 2021
It will be fascinating to see how this new addition will enhance the podcast experience and how people react to it. Until then, Stay tuned!