Facebook’s parent company, Meta Platforms restricted hashtags connected to deaths of civilians for a while. These deaths took place in northern Ukraine where bodies of people were found, who were visibly shot at close range. This town in northern Ukraine was seized back from the forces of Russia. A spokesperson from Meta Platforms confirmed the news on Monday, April 4.
These killings that took place in the town of Bucha, which is just outside the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv. This incident has to led to the drawing of even more sanctions against Russia from the West. Previously, the west had already placed a host of sanctions towards Moscow in the wake of the military assault launched in Ukraine by Russia.
A spokesman from Meta Platforms, Andy Stone stated how the automated systems were behind the blockage. These systems, owned by Meta, are responsible for scanning of violent imagery on the social media platforms Facebook and Instagram. The system itself blocked the hashtags, which include #buchamassacre and #bucha. He mentioned how this took place on its own due to the “graphic content” users posted with the use of these hashtags. Additionally, he said that when made aware, the company acted as fast as possible to remove the restrictions on the hashtags. The company was notified on Sunday, April 3.
When we were made aware of the issue yesterday, we acted quickly to unblock the hashtags,” he wrote on Twitter.
Generally, platforms like Instagram and Facebook allow posts which features some degree of graphic and violent content. They enable these posts when they shared in order to raise awareness about possible abuses of human rights. However, the systems deleted the posted content when they consider it to be drastically explicit or one that celebrates pain. In fact, their parent company, Meta additionally features warning labels to certain graphic posts. These posts are the ones that users must click through, prior to having to see the images that are graphic or brutal in nature.
Often, Meta has been victim to criticism by human rights groups in the past few years. They have criticised the company’s approach to removing content depicting violence or abuse in the time of conflicts. The groups stated how this step of purging the information from its servers post 90 days lead to the removal of critical evidence of crimes during wars.
Meta’s spokesperson, Stone mentioned how the company is working out ways to preserve this and sorts of content in the time of deletion. He specified this emphasising on the current war in Ukraine. On the other hand, Russia has denied all accusations connected to the alleged murder of civilians in the country.