During the New Year, New Age livestream on Friday, Microsoft and World’s Edge offered us our first look at their upcoming remake of the real-time strategy game Age of Mythology: Retold. Furthermore, they affirmed that it will debut later this year for PC and Xbox.
Art Director Melinda Rose opened the Age of Mythology: Retold webcast by presenting the game and hinting at the fact that it would include brand-new 3D character models, animation, textures, and user interface. Rose additionally emphasized the specifics of the character models for troops such as Cerberus, Pegasus, and Medusa. A unit’s design will somewhat alter each time a player upgrades it. After that, we were given a peek at the key art and informed that Age of Mythology: Retold will be out later this year. It is the first game in the World’s Edge series to debut simultaneously on PC and Xbox.
This has enabled the series to reach 50 million gamers, according to World’s Edge during this broadcast. The Victors and Vanquished expansion for Age of Empires II, new civilizations for Age of Empires III, a spring update for Age of Empires IV, and Age of Empires Mobile are just a few of the announcements made during the New Age live steam, which also aims to increase the number of players.
About the Game
Age of Mythology: Retold, from the makers of the critically acclaimed Age of Empires series, transports players beyond history into a fantastical era where humans, monsters, and gods coexist. Retold is a grand and avant-garde game that combines the greatest aspects of the cherished Age of Mythology with contemporary real-time strategy design and graphics, appealing to both experienced and novice players. Safeguard your territory, control mythical creatures, and summon the might of the gods to vanquish your adversaries—or unite with allies to vanquish the Arena of the Gods.
Call Upon the Gods
From the pantheons of Greece, Norse, Egypt, and Atlantea, select your gods. Conjure up tremendous lightning storms, seismic earthquakes, and even the fabled Nidhogg dragon to decimate your adversaries. Alternatively, ask Dryads to protect you and your people and provide nutritious rains.
Unleash the Monsters
Release mummies, trolls, centaurs, and more. Command a variety of troops drawn from the greatest myths in human history, from powerful one-eyed Cyclops to jewel-encrusted crocodiles that use the sun’s energy.
An Epic Mythological Universe
Take on a 50-mission campaign set in a huge, mythological setting. Conquer the formidable walls of Troy, engage Giants in the icy wastes of Midgard, and unearth Osiris’ mysteries in the changing sands of Egypt. Turn into a legendary figure or perhaps a deity.
Arena of the Gods
Challenge the Labyrinth in the all-new Trials of the Gods for single-player and co-op. Collect powerful Blessings, join your friends, and take on new challenges to overcome the Arena where the gods themselves do battle.
Better with Friends
Play against the sophisticated AI or with up to 11 of your buddies on thousands of randomly generated maps and situations for endless replay value.