Elon Musk is a man with quite a couple of labels. From the richest man on the planet to a human who tweets with zero sense at times, the spectrum of labels is quite vast. A good majority of Twitter users are quite used to Musk’s tweets that often border on the ridiculous and which make one think if any amount of brain cells had been expended while the action was being carried out. However, a recent tweet of the Tesla CEO has piqued the interest of the Twitterati with its rather introspective tone. Seems like, Musk was having a moment. And the Twitter town has enough and more to say about that. Read along to know more. It is not every day that you catch Elon Musk being all solemn and wise.
My true moral error was creating Tesla & SpaceX at same time, while avoiding general mgmt chores at Tesla (focusing only on product & engineering). Tried to have my cake & eat it too, which failed.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) April 21, 2022
The What and Why
Musk’s tweet went like this, “My true moral error was creating Tesla and SpaceX at the same time. Tried to have my cake, and eat it too, which failed.” Although the final analogy is a bit too complicated to decipher, the overall picture is quite clear. Yes, the philosophy was on point however some Twitter users can’t help being skeptical at the “failed” part. Let’s face it, we are talking about one of the most successful humans on Earth which makes it all the more interesting. On the vaguely bright side, it is refreshing to know that even the most successful have had their share of bad decisions and faults.
It seems like Musk regrets not focusing enough on general management-related work since he was busy with product and engineering. Musk’s reflection does remind one of J.K Rowling’s Harvard commencement address in which she said about how some people’s measure of failure is other people’s measure of success. Let’s just say that although Musk might have failed at eating the cake, he did manage to get the recipe right. Now let’s see what Twitter town has to say about this rather reflective tweet which perhaps is a once in a blue moon scenario in itself.
Looks like the reflective tone worked
Wow! Didn’t know Hero’s has failures. I have a chance to be a Billionaire. Thank you sir! 😂
— Michael POS (@mchoyla) April 21, 2022
Now that’s indeed some disconnected wisdom
Hay Elon. I was thinking. Instead of buying Twitter…. why don't you buy Nikola. And join it with Tesla. I think its perfect…. but I'm guessing that's just my opinion 🤷. But let me know before you do so I can get some shares first 🤣👍
— TOO INFINITY (@DIRTYRE02038148) April 22, 2022
Well, he did make it seem like it’s all a piece of cake
Eventually it didn’t fail.
— Horsta (@virtuesignal360) April 21, 2022
This is why he is in a position to effortlessly use a cake analogy to describe his apparent failure
That’s a bit tough on yourself.
— Ross Gerber (@GerberKawasaki) April 21, 2022
Is he being too hard on himself or low-key flexing?
It tis what it tis.
— Jen X 🚀Foxfur🍀Clover🍀 (@JenXIsWaving) April 21, 2022
Now that is the aptest reply till now for the tweet.