The instant messaging platform Telegram which has been constantly keen on the security features of all digital mediums has announced in its recent updates that it will allow anonymous blockchain numbers on telegram. This blockchain number will be anonymous and can be used for users who are not having any sim cards in their smartphone devices.
The telegram has announced the sale of these blockchain-based numbers on its blockchain platform Fragment at the price of $16 each. The global messaging platform telegram who is having 700 million+ users globally has urged its users to use these blockchain-based numbers instead of cell phone numbers as this feature will help the users to maintain more privacy
What is the new feature about number privacy in telegram?
Telegram has been already conscious of the privacy of users and so it has been already hiding the numbers of users from other apps installed on the user’s device. with the use of these anonymous and blockchain-based numbers, the user will be able to hide their information from everyone and that can be seen as a privacy-focused parameter in the device of the user.
With the launch of the auction platform fragrant the instant messaging application, Telegram has been gaining popularity in the Crypto communities. The recent update regarding the blockchain-based numbers in no SIM devices has been introduced by Telegram in its 9.2 updates which were launched on December 6 this year. along with this feature, the telegram also introduced the auto delete timer for all the messages in the application.
Users who are aspiring to use these blockchain-based anonymous numbers will be required to purchase these numbers from the Decentralized auction platform fragrant which was recently launched by the telegram. All these details were unveiled by the founder of Telegram Pavel Durov in recent statements on his Telegram channel.
Durov The recent updates mentioned that these anonymous numbers will be only compatible with the telegram platform and the process of purchasing these numbers will be carried out at the fragrant platform which is based on The Open Network (TON) which is telegrams officiated token. Although all global users can be able to have access this new feature of anonymous numbers the users of Telegram from the US will not be able to access this feature.
After the purchase of these blockchain-based anonymous numbers, the user will be able to sign up for Telegram with the help of a verification code received at this blockchain-based number at telegram. The users of the telegram can be able to purchase any random number on the fragrance platform for 9 TON which is equivalent to 16$ approximately. the users can also sell these numbers in the auction.