Qualcomm has announced an upper-mid-range CPU, the Snapdragon 7 Gen 1 SoC, alongside the Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 SoC, as previously expected. This is also Qualcomm’s first seven-series CPU to use the new nomenclature, and the chip is manufactured by Samsung on a 4nm technology.
What will Qualcomm Snapdragon 7 Gen 1 Feature?
The Snapdragon 7 Generation 1 is intended to compete with the Mediatek Dimensity 8100 SoC. The Snapdragon 7 Gen 1 within in hardware features an octa-core CPU design alongside with single high-performance CPU core with a 2.4GHz clock speed based on Cortex-A710 microarchitecture and three additional medium performance cores with slightly lower 2.36GHz clock speed based on the same Cortex-A710 microarchitecture.
Four efficient cores with 1.8GHz clock speeds are based on the ARM Cortex-A510 microarchitecture. The processor includes an Adreno 662 GPU, and the chipset includes an integrated Qualcomm FastConnect 6900 network module with Wi-Fi 6E and Bluetooth 5.3 compatibility.
In terms of storage and RAM, the Snapdragon 7 Gen 1 gives the support for UFS 3.1 class storage devices coupled with faster and latest LPDDR5 RAM. The Snapdragon 7 Gen 1 is capable of running 144Hz 1080p displays or 60Hz 2K QHD displays. The Snapdragon 7 Gen 1 also has the Snapdragon X62 5G Modem-RF System, which supports up to 4.4Gbps download speeds over a 5G network.
The Snapdragon 7 Gen 1 also has a new ISP, the Qualcomm Spectra Triple 14-bit ISP, which can handle up to 200MP pictures and 4K HDR films. The chipset also supports GSP, GLONASS, Beidou, Galileo, and India’s proprietary NavIC navigation protocols.
In addition, the Snapdragon 7 Gen 1 supports USB 3.1 for rapid data transfer between devices. In terms of speed, the Snapdragon 7 Gen 1 is touted to be 20% quicker on GPU-bound workloads than the Snapdragon 778G. The Snapdragon 7 Gen 1 SoC is also the first processor in the seven series to integrate Qualcomm’s 7th Generation AI Engine.
Smartphones powered with Snapdragon 7 Gen 1
Xiaomi, Oppo, and Honor will be the first to release smartphones powered by the Snapdragon 7 Gen 1 SoC. We may anticipate seeing phones based on the Snapdragon 7 Gen 1 SoC in Q2 2022, which means we could see the first batch of Snapdragon 7 Gen 1 SoC as early as next month.
Among all these smartphones, we expected the all-new Nothing Phone 1, which is expected to be an upper-mid-range 5G smartphone powered by the Snapdragon 7 Gen 1 SoC.