Most likely, Red Dead Redemption 2 will go down in history as one of the greatest narrative-driven video games ever created, if not the greatest of all time. Even though Rockstar’s open-world action-adventure game was published almost five years ago, it still has an average of over 73,000 gamers on Steam quite an accomplishment for a narrative-based game. The game’s unexpected player spike, meanwhile, has a valid explanation a 67% discount.
The current Steam deal, which drops the game’s $44.99 MSRP to $14.84, is a blessing for those who have been wanting to pick up the Western-themed third-person shooter. At this price, it’s almost a steal. However, if you really want to splash the cash, the Ultimate Edition also looks to be on offer, costing $22.49 as opposed to the usual $74.99.
For those who are unaware, the Red Dead Redemption 2 Ultimate Edition includes more story content to immerse yourself in. These extras include quests, more clothes, and more weaponry to enhance your online experience. However, keep in mind that the special discounts are only available for a short period of time they expire on November 28. At that point, Yakuza: Like a Dragon’s sale also ends.
RDR 2 Sold 57 Million Copies
Regarding overall performance, Rockstar recently revealed that two of its blockbuster titles, Red Dead Redemption 2 and GTA 5, have both hit sales milestones. Red Dead Redemption 2 has sold 57 million copies to date, while GTA 5 sold over 5 million additional units in the most recent quarter. Red Dead 3 has not yet been announced, despite the fact that the renowned Grand Theft Auto franchise is getting its next installment.
In other developments, Rockstar has announced that the first official glimpse at the highly anticipated GTA 6 will be released in early December. The company is getting ready to unveil the trailer for the game. There hasn’t been any official confirmation, but the game is believed to offer “realistic animations” and maybe an in-game radio station with podcasts from Joe Rogan.
About Red Dead Redemption 2
On October 26, 2018, Red Dead Redemption 2 was released for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4. A PC version is scheduled to be released in 2019. Here are all of the gang hideouts in Red Dead 2 for novice players, followed by the ideal PC settings for the greatest possible gameplay.
An action-adventure game with a Western flavor is called Red Dead Redemption 2. The game, which may be played in first- or third-person, takes place in an open-world setting that is a fictitious representation of the 1899 United States. The globe of Red Dead Redemption 2 is made up of various landscapes with sporadic wildlife, travelers, and bandits as well as urban populations that range from farmhouses to towns and cities. The primary means of transportation are horses, of which there are several breeds with diverse characteristics.
In order to utilize horses, the player must tame or train wild horses; in order to possess a horse, the player must saddle or stable it. When a horse is used frequently, bonding occurs. This attachment may be strengthened by guiding, stroking, cleaning, and feeding the animal. The player will also gain benefits by riding their horse.