Reddit has everything from news to memes and is liked a lot by enthusiasts. The platform has shared its numbers for the first time with the public. Officials reported that presently the company has around $52 million active daily users on their app. And the growth rate that the platform is seeing is also massive at 44% year over year. With time we can expect that the company gets an even bigger user base as it gets more popular. This will slowly expand the user base from a much niche userbase to a more general and widespread audience.
Reddit as compared to other Social Media sites
If you were gawping at the huge 52 million daily active users number, then note that it’s just a fraction of other sites. Like Twitter has 187 million daily active users, Facebook has 1.82 billion, and Snapchat has 249 million daily users. But the larger the user base grows, the slower the growth rate becomes as we can see with Facebook and Snapchat. They have a growth rate fo 12% and 18% per year respectively. At the other hand, Twitter has a moderate 29% growth rate.

Comparing the growth rate of Reddit to other sites, it is much huger at 44%. This growth has been seen since 2018 with the addition of new features and redesign of the UI, which brought in a lot of new users. Plus now Reddit is also more vigilant at keeping its platform clean and remove any form of unwanted or controversial content from its site.
Why is the company suddenly reporting numbers?
As per the company’s statement, they are going it in order to be more like the industry. All platforms send out numbers to sites and journals to get publicity and also showing their growth. Another fact is that the huge number means now Reddit can also be looked at as a viable advertising place. All in all, the fact that the numbers are steeply increasing is a positive sign and gets positive publicity for the company.
That is also the reason that it shifted from announcing monthly users to daily active users which gives a much clearer idea about the popularity of the platform.
Do you use Reddit daily? If yes, what do you mainly use it for, memes/news/tech or something else? Let us know in the comments below. Also, if you found our content informative, do like and share it with your friends.
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