And they can be purchased

22nd September, 2018
A group of French business people who accept so have composed a PC calculation that can make unique sketches with some likeness to works by Old Masters, for example, Rembrandt.
The photos of an envisioned “Nobleman of Belamy” and his distinguished relations have a smudgy, obscured completely that would not have awed Rembrandt’s customers, but rather are sufficient for the closeout house Christie’s to put one of them on special in New York in October with a value gauge of $7,000 to $10,000.
“We are artists with a different type of paintbrush. Our paintbrush is an algorithm developed on a computer,” said Hugo Caselles-Dupre, a computer engineer who founded the group with childhood friends Gauthier Vernier and Pierre Fautrel, who both have a business background.
The works of art are made by the Generative Adversarial Network (GAN), a calculation that figures out how to produce new pictures by being encouraged a database of existing compositions – 15,000 representations on account of the “Belamy” pictures.
“The visual is not the only thing that comprises the final portrait,” said Fautrel.
“All of the message, and the artistic process to get to the visual, are also important, even more than the final product,” he said, admitting that GAN’s pictures — printed onto canvas and then framed — are fuzzy.
“The fact that it’s not yet perfect, I think is logical because it’s a technology that is still very new, and to have very good results, we need significant calculating power, that for now we don’t have in this small apartment.”
The trio sold “The Count of Belamy” for around $10,000 to Paris-based authority Nicolas Laugero-Lasserre.
“What was astonishing was that they knew nothing about art, nothing at all,” Laugero-Lasserre said.
“In the beginning, I took them for crazy people. And finally, are they crazy, are they genius? We’ll see,”
A few specialists are unconvinced that a machine can make genuine workmanship.
“There’s always a feeling behind a painting, always – whether it’s anger, yearning, desire. And artificial intelligence has – well, you have the word ‘artificial’ in it – there you have it!”