The NFT Club has made public an investigative report that examines Google searches about non-fungible tokens as well as the number of NFT organizations located in different parts of the world. The analysis determines which country has the most interest in NFTs by looking at the number of Google searches related to NFTs that occur for every 100,000 persons in that country. According to statistics provided by the NFT Club, Taiwan is now in first place worldwide with 2,300,330 firms and a population of around 23,888,595.
According to the study conducted by the NFT Club, “We had the chance of differentiating which nations create the most NFT-related look using information from Google search.” “We looked at a range of frequent NFT search subjects and tracked their total volumes over the preceding year for fifty different nations to determine where people are most interested in non-fungible tokens,” the authors write.
Australia, which ranks second in the world in terms of overall curiosity, is home to a large number of people who are familiar with NFT looks. In the beginning, there were 2,137,060 NFT searches made in Australia out of a total population of around 26,068,792 persons. Canada, Iceland, and New Zealand are just behind New Zealand and Canada when it comes to the number of persons interested in NFTs per 100,000 people. The top two nations in this category are Taiwan and Australia.
The analysis conducted by the NFT Club found that the United States is home to the NFT organization with the highest level of funding, Forte Labs, while France is home to the NFT organization with the second-highest level of funding, Sorare. The United States has the most NFT organizations overall, with 91 firms reported. This indicates that the United States is home to 41.55 percent of all NFT new enterprises, making it the country with the most NFT organizations overall. There are now 24 NFT firms operating in Singapore, which accounts for 10.96 percent of the total number of NFT new businesses operating globally.
India now has the third-highest number of NFT organizations in the world. The country’s 11 NFT organizations account for 5.02 percent of the total number of NFT organizations worldwide. After India comes to Canada, then Australia, Japan, and finally the United Kingdom in terms of an individual standing. The United States not only has the most non-profit organizations, but it also has five of the ten most renowned organizations that get funding for non-profit work. NFT firms located in the United States that have received a combined total of $1.6 billion in investment include companies such as Forte Labs, Opensea, Fancraze, Genies, and Pixel Vault.