Indian food delivery giant, Swiggy has launched its services in more than 16 new cities in order to expand its presence in the country. With the addition of new cities, it now has a presence across 44 cities in the country.
Although Swiggy was founded in 2014, it quickly expanded its presence across Indian cities and has also partnered with around 40,000 restaurants.
Some new cities which have been added
Elaborating the new development, Swiggy COO Vivek Sunder said, “One of the reasons for the expansion across the country is because of the strong consumer demand that we have witnessed through thousands of Swiggy app downloads in cities where we were not even present.”
Recently, it has been revealed that Swiggy has registered a revenue growth of 200%. However, its losses also doubled, mainly due to the cash burn it suffered owing to its expansion and acquisition drives.
Picture Credits: FinancialExpress