Telegram is a cloud-based cross-platform messaging service which is also end-to-end encrypted which means that the company will not be able to read private chats, conversations or user data such as private group contacts.
Having given that background, the instant messaging platform has recently gained 25 million new users in only three days since WhatsApp’s privacy policy and terms & conditions changes.
WhatsApp, as we know is one of the most popular messaging platforms worldwide which is owned by Facebook Inc. and most recently it has updated/ renewed its Terms of service and privacy policy on the condition of ‘take it or leave it’ which means that if then users do not accept these new terms and conditions before the deadline i.e., February 8th, 2021, they will not be able to use the platform after that.
This act of dominance which implies that WhatsApp will share user information with its parent organisation, Facebook was considered unjustified by many and this called out for a mass outrage on social media platforms. As an act to push back in non-compliance of these new changes, users have started to switch from WhatsApp to other messaging platforms such as Telegram and Signal.
Pavel Durov, founder, Telegram says that in only three days, their platform has gained over 25 million new users solely because of the ongoing controversy centred around WhatsApp. In a statement, Durov mentioned that Telegram hit the 500 million active users mark in the first seven days of January and what astounds him is that 25 million new users have been added in only 72 hours.
As mentioned in a report by Financial Express, Durov wrote on the official Telegram Channel that users do not wish to exchange their privacy for free services anymore. Although, the founder did not take any names but it was quite understandable that he was referring to WhatsApp’s new policy and privacy changes.
Durov has assured its new users that the company will take full responsibility of maintaining secure and private communications between users and that it takes this responsibility very seriously. He further added that Telegram will not let its users down.
Telegram Messenger was founded back in 2013 by brothers, Pavel Durov and Nikolai Durov who created a seamless messaging platform that works like e-mail and SMS combined and is a secure platform for any kind of personal or business communication needs, according to company’s website.
Not only Telegram, other platforms such as Signal is also catching pace after the WhatsApp policy change controversy and it clearly indicates that people have started taking their privacy very seriously and big companies and conglomerates cannot dominate the masses to run their business, period.