Telegram is continuously improving, thanks largely in part to a beta program that allows users to try out new features and offer feedback. Telegram’s latest feature is a beta channel update that might offer a variety of enhancements to the company’s growingly popular voice chats. The app’s newest version, 7.8, has now gone into beta, bringing with it new features for video calling with customization options.
What’s New in Telegram v7.8 beta
The new and enhanced Telegram v7.8 beta, according to Android Police, will allow users to effortlessly broadcast a video or even share their phone’s screen in real-time during a group voice call. This particular new feature is available in the beta version.
Users will only need to rename the chat and add “#vid” at the end. Users will be able to tap on the three-dot menu in the group to reveal a new option for them to start recording or even sharing their screen.
These features are available to users in any group. However, group members who have not yet updated to the newer beta release will be unable to watch the video broadcast on the user’s screen. Despite the new functionality being enabled, they will only be able to receive audio.
Telegram v7.8 beta includes a number of small tweaks to the app’s chat backgrounds in addition to these brand new features. The backgrounds can now be animated, and they will change colors in an exciting way as users input their messages. Users may also view the new animated gradient backgrounds in action by viewing the GIF below.
How to setup Telegram Gradient Chat Background
Users need to go directly to the Telegram background menu, which can be located in the appearance settings, to set up the exact same or at least similar gradient background. Users must then choose one of the various colors backgrounds available and then tap the color button.
After that, users can modify some extra colors for a more gradient feel. Users must still select at least three different colors from which to choose for the feature to work as intended.
Wrapping Up
All of the above features are currently available in the beta channel only. Telegram has also issued any specific details on any upcoming stable rollouts.
Users, on the other hand, now expect the feature to reach even more people in the following weeks. The function is only available on the Telegram v7.8 beta channel right now. The official channel’s release date is yet uncertain, but users may not have to wait long because it is currently available on the beta channel.